Miles Aston placed third in the short round and third in the average, which moved him into the top 10 in the overall standings. I am really proud of our team this year. ABOUT US. Taylor split fourth in the long round and placed third in the short round and the average. Blaine Carroll, a junior ag media and communications major from Vernon, placed fourth in the breakaway long round. Arena. Texas Tech is ranked No. The National Finals traditionally features the top 15 in each standard PRCA event such as tie-down roping and saddle bronc riding and Womens Professional Rodeo Association barrel racing. South Central SD 4H Rodeo. They have all put the work in, and they are seeing the results, said Coach Raymond Hollabaugh. CANYON, Texas A pair of West Texas A&M University rodeo athletes are ranked highly in regional standings at the close of the teams fall season. On the Professional Bull Riders circuit, Joao Ricardo Vieira, a Brazilian who lives in the Decatur area, clinched the title at the Oct. 16-17 Unleash The Beast tour stop in Nampa, Idaho, in the Boise area. He and brother, Chad, are also in the top five of the team roping standings. Kallen is definitely a competitor for a title this year, and Sierra is one of the most aggressive breakaway ropers in the region and has excelled this semester. 1 in the mens team standings after earning 1,051 points this season. Plenty of athletes were competing for buckles and big-time money. ; Kassidy Albright, freshman animal science major from Marlin; Kooper Huddleston, senior agribusiness major from Amarillo; Lexi Bartley, senior equine industry and business from Sudan; Logan Price, freshman animal science major from Lakeview, Ore.; Lucy Gordon, senior social work major from Canyon; Madison Pritchard, junior equine industry and business major from Krum; Madison Largent, sophomore equine industry and business major from Newbury Park, Calif.; Sarah Parks, freshman equine industry and business major from Harrison, Ark. In the NIRA's Southern Region, Hill College is ranked No. New & Returning Members: (Annual Member Fee - $80) Texas Tech University-Lubbock 060154 TXTUL 863.33 . Teammates Hayden Cape, a senior agribusiness major from Earth, placed second in team roping average, and Annabelle Hampton, a junior agribusiness and economics major from Casa Grande, Ariz, placed fifth in goat tying average. ozark region college rodeo standings ozark region college rodeo standings (No Ratings Yet) . Weatherford team roper Ryan Motes has earned his fourth National Finals berth in team roping heeling. Zaine Mikita preserved his lead in the Southwest Region standings by picking up a tie for sixth place in round one, winning second place in the finals with a time of 8.8 seconds, and. Membership is open to all area students who have a passion for rodeo and a competitive spirit. Tarletons women trail Texas Tech by 75 points, 340-265, in the region. After the first three rodeos of the regular season on the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Southwest Region circuit, South Plains Colleges womens team is ranked No. The Tarleton mens team is the defending national champion. The IPRA has a membership base of over 2,400 members and currently sanctions rodeos across the United States with 15 of these events being held in Oklahoma. Our mens and womens teams have had a lot of success this semester and I look for a great turnout in the spring. He is ranked fifth in the world standings with $82,637. Others earning spots in the womens finals were breakaway ropers Allison Danley, who took fifth; Wiseman, a seventh-place finisher; and Abby Medlin, who took ninth. Tarleton has earned 1,468 points. Mansfield Summit downs Amarillo, O.D. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> June 21. Tarleton holds a 140-point lead over Western Texas College in the mens regional standings, 597.50 to 457.50. WT Rodeos fall season ended with the Texas Tech University Rodeo from Oct. 28 to 30 in Lubbock. For more information on the Tarleton rodeo teams visit . "We still have some time, and we have several others that are not only capable but really close to at least getting the CNFR in their grasp. July 9. Sierra Sharp, a junior general studies major from Happy, is ranked second in breakaway in Southwest Region standings. Arena Address: Nolan County Coliseum 220 Coliseum Drive Sweetwater, Tx 76556, Hook up/Stall info: RESERVE STALLS AND HOOKUPS @ 325-338-1980, ***CLICK HERE FOR LIVE UPDATES OF DRAW with trades, TRADES, STOCK NUMBERS, AND UNOFFICIAL EVENT LEADERS***, **CLICK HERE FOR LIVE UPDATES ON RESULTS, DRAWS WITH TRADES, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10 STANDINGS**, Arena Address: 1205 Robin St. Big Spring, Tx 79720, CLICK HERE FOR LIVE UPDATES ON RESULTS, DRAW WITH TRADES, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10 STANDINGS, *****CLICK HERE--DRAW WITH TRADES, RESULTS, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10 SHORT ROUND QUALIFIERS*****, **CLICK HERE FOR LIVE UPDATES ON RESULTS, DRAW WITH TRADES, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10**, Arena Address: LEWIS COOPER ARENA 220 W 18TH S PORTALES, NM, VET: DR HENSON 2201 W 7TH STREET CLOVIS, NM 575-769-2249, CLICK HERE FOR DRAW AFTER TRADES AND RESULTS, Copyright 2019 N.I.R.A SW REGION - All Rights Reserve, Odessa College-Odessa, TX- February 23-25, 2023, Ranger College- Sweetwater, tx- march23-25 , 2023, Western Texas College- Snyder, Tx- March 30, 31- aPRIL 1, 20, Howard College- Big Spring, TX- APRIL 13-15, 2023, TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY- STEPHENVILLE, TX- APRIL 20-22, 20, Texas Tech University- Lubbock, TX- October 27-29, 2022, Texas Tech University NIRA Rodeo Ground Rules 2022 (3), VERNON COLLEGE- VERNON, TX- OCTOBER 20-22, 2022, Clarendon college- clarendon, tx- october 13-15, 2022, Sul Ross State University- Alpine, TX- September 22-24, 2022, ENMU Rodeo Ground rules for fall 2022 (1),, DRAW WITH TRADES, RESULTS, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10 SHORT ROUND QUALIFIERS, *CLICK HERE FOR LIVE UPDATES ON RESULTS, DRAW WITH TRADES, AND UNOFFICIAL TOP 10*. They ended up second and third for the all-around standing for the weekend, and won first in the barrel racing and second in the goat tying. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football ozark region college rodeo standings. Blaine Carroll, a junior ag media and communications major from Vernon, placed fourth in the breakaway long round. Established in 1910, the University has been part of The Texas A&M University System since 1990. Teammates Hayden Cape, a senior agribusiness major from Earth, placed second in team roping average, and Annabelle Hampton, a junior agribusiness and economics major from Casa Grande, Arizona, placed fifth in goat tying average. Completeand mail. The rodeo team which boasts 26 members from around the country has been a WT fixture for more than 25 years, with four regional champions and four CNFR qualifiers in the past five years. The Wrangler NFR contestants will receive back numbers. Miss UPRA -Miss United Professional Rodeo Association. x[oG?\H\A ^IphYLf)*Nvt[TML4%2_;VTY5M^Q Jayne commanded respect in 2007 when he won the Fort Worth Stock Show Rodeo. Amie Hennen, a senior sports/exercise science major from Sanger, placed second in the long round of barrel racing. ; Shelby Espenson, senior business major from Wildorado; and Weston Howell, senior agribusiness and economics major from Booker. The spring season will begin Feb. 24 at Odessa College. 1 in the Southwest Regions 2020-2021 womens team title race with 590 points. Eastern New Mexico University 9/15/2022 - 9/17/2022 Sul Ross State University 9/22/2022 - 9/24/2022 Clarendon College 10/13/2022 - 10/15/2022 Vernon College. Proudly created with, SOUTH WEST ARKANSAS HIGH SCHOOL RODEO ASSOCIATION. We dont spam! Johnson placed first in short-go of tie-down and first in average. Our mens and womens teams have had a lot of success this semester and I look for a great turnout in the spring. Regional leader in goat tying, Tarletons Baili Collins posted a two-run 15.2-second time, good for fourth place over the weekend, leading the Tarleton women to a sixth-place finish and allowing the team to maintain its hold on second place in the region. They'll kick the gate open on their 2022-23 season in Portales, New Mexico, Sept. 15-17, for the Eastern New Mexico University Daze Rodeo. The reception is scheduled for Dec. 1, two days before the National Finals begins its 10-day run at Arlingtons Globe Life Field. Kallen Johnson, a sophomore agribusiness and economics major from Happy, is ranked second in tie-down roping. STEPHENVILLE, TexasTarleton rodeo teams held on to their standings in the Southwest Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association with stellar performances at the Odessa College Rodeo last weekend. Sierra Sharp, a junior general studies major from Happy, is ranked second in breakaway in Southwest Region standings. The SWTJC Cowgirls now sit seventh in the regional standings but are still ranked 24th in the nation. 2 ranked Kinlie Brennise of Weatherford College. <> <>/Metadata 458 0 R/ViewerPreferences 459 0 R>> On the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association circuit, Texas Tech's Cole Wheeler and Wesley Thorp are leading the Southwest Region's team roping heading and heeling races, respectively.. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, February 26, 2018. Results & Point Standings. All rights reserved. Standings . south plains college sul ross state university tarleton state university They have all put the work in, and they are seeing the results, said Coach Raymond Hollabaugh. Their second place finish in the short round also gave them second in the average. UFB Jayne, who is from Marseille, France, is both the first French native and the first European to earn a National Finals number. 2 with 828. Jose Vitor Leme, another Brazilian who lives in the Decatur area, is ranked No. Contestant Standings . 2011 Southern Rodeo Association The names in red are who has qualified for the Dallas Finale. Rescue Race during each performance! Colten Jackson, a sophomore from Gruver, TX, is sitting in 3rd for Saddle Bronc Riding, while teammate . Texas Tech came in second with 215. Lauren Bane took seventh in goat tying, followed by teammates Ashleigh Baugh and Kelsey Graf in eighth and 10th. Duis sodales tristique mi, eu scelerisque velit accumsan quis. Tarleton team ropers Clay Norell and Nick Rawlings moved into the top five of the heading standings after this weekends win. Taylor is currently in the top 10 for the steer wrestling standings. In the short round, Kylie posted a time of 16.98, which was good enough for second in the round and the average win. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. WT Rodeos fall season ended with the Texas Tech University Rodeo from Oct. 28 to 30 in Lubbock. Sierra Sharp, a junior general studies major from Happy, is ranked second in breakaway in Southwest Region standings. Posted By: Ashlee Estlack - 1/26/2015 3:01:21 PM. Frank Phillips College Rodeo from Oct. 7 to 9 in Canadian: Hiatt placed fifth in steer wrestling long round and fourth in tie-down roping, and Wahlert placed sixth in tie-down roping. The Buffaloes are a member of the NCAA Division II Lone Star Conference and offers 14 mens and womens athletics programs. Jayne, who lives in Rockwall, finished the regular season ranked fourth in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Associations bareback riding standings after earning $88,441 throughout the past year. CLICK "RODEOS" TAB TO FIND DRAWS/RESULTS/GROUND RULES/ETC,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Copyright 2019 N.I.R.A SW REGION - All Rights Reserve. The stall barn is located on the northwest corner of the ECC grounds. We offer the following events to students attending in grades K-12 up to 19 years old: Bull Riding, Steer Riding, Bronc Riding, Chute Dogging, Team Roping, Breakaway, Ribbon Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Goat Tying, Goat . The World Champion Barrel Racer will be determined by money won at WPRA approved barrel races only. ; Shelby Espenson, senior business major from Wildorado; and Weston Howell, senior agribusiness and economics major from Booker. 10:00 AM. WTs rodeo team is an example of the Universitys responsiveness to the Texas Panhandle, as outlined in the Universitys long-range plan, WT 125: From the Panhandle to the World. (509)529-4402 . WT is located in Canyon, Texas, on a 342-acre residential campus. Surles collected 120 points and moved up to fifth in the overall standings for the region. RodeoHouston fastest times and highest scores Mar 2, 2023; Tilden Hooper, nine-time NFR qualifier, sidelined with neck issues Mar 1, 2023; Proudly created with FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMonday, February 26, 2018. Kylie won the first round of the barrels with her time of 16.79 seconds, and Cassie placed third with a time of 17.24 seconds. Fax (509)525-1090 . Copy by Chip Chandler, 806-651-2124, CANYON, Texas A pair of West Texas A&M University rodeo athletes are ranked highly in regional standings at the close of the team's fall season. Vestibulum mattis finibus facilisis. The following week, the Lobos host the 77th annual Sul . 2023 Sponsorship Forms are now available. The Men's Team from Clarendon College is sitting in 9th place of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Southwest Region team standings. Kallen Johnson, a. Texas Tech's Bristan Kennedy is in second. The 67th Cinch Roping Fiesta, which features world class PRCA competitors, is this month in San Angelo. Read our privacy policy for more info. Doster said Rice is thriving in break-away roping as the result of making changes with the way that her roping horse is performing these days. West Texas A&M University | All Rights Reserved, Counseling & Mental Health Services (HB2895), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. They include all WPRA barrel races held at PRCA/WPRA rodeos and other barrel races as approved by the WPRA Board. Blaine Carroll, a junior ag media and communications major from Vernon, placed fourth in the breakaway long round. 1 in the men's team standings after earning 1,051 points this season. The episode can be viewed 1 in the Southwest Region's barrel racing standings with 395 points. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 2 with 445. Rodeo Team Rodeo Schedule Spring 2023 Rodeo Team Contact Coach Joe David Almand (830) 591-7232 60th Annual Rodeo Live Stream Friday, October 7, 2022, Live Stream Saturday, October 8, 2022, Live Stream National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Regional Standings 2033 Walla Walla Ave . From big cities to small towns, from major league stadiums to portable arenas, the IPRA has become the sports second largest professional rodeo association sanctioning nearly 300 rodeos. Rodeo Mission Provide collegiate rodeo athletes with a top-drawer education while developing individual rodeo talent and skill. Joao Ricardo Vieira, a Brazilian who lives in Decatur, is No. They transferred to Tarleton this semester from Vernon College after getting their associate degrees last spring. New & Returning Members: (Annual Member Fee - $80), 2018by Cage Watlington. Sharp placed first in breakaway long round and fourth in average. Shad Mayfield, a two-time Wrangler National Finals Rodeo qualifier from Clovis, New Mexico, tied for first in tie-down roping with a time of 7.6 seconds. Dickies Arena, which is the home of the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeos renowned annual PRCA show, will be the site of the 2020 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo Welcome Reception, according to the PRCA. Why did sirens go off in Tarrant County, Dallas for severe thunderstorm warning? I am really proud of our team this year. Kallen is definitely a competitor for a title this year, and Sierra is one of the most aggressive breakaway ropers in the region and has excelled this semester. WT Rodeos fall season ended with the Texas Tech University Rodeo from Oct. 28 to 30 in Lubbock. The reception begins at 6 p.m. and will be open to 2020 PRCA Convention attendees. Photo: Kallen Johnson goes for broke during a practice run at the WT rodeo arena. The Oct. 10-17 Heart OTexas Rodeo in Waco drew numerous world-class competitors and earnings will count toward the 2021 Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association/Womens Professional Rodeo Association world standings. Sierra Sharp, a junior general studies major from Happy, is ranked second in breakaway in Southwest Region standings. On the Professional Bull Riders tour, J.B. Mauney won last weekends Built Ford Tough Series tour stop in Tucson, Ariz., and extended his lead in the world standings. CANYON, Texas A pair of West Texas A&M University rodeo athletes are ranked highly in regional standings at the close of the teams fall season. The rodeo team which boasts 26 members from around the country has been a WT fixture for more than 25 years, with four regional champions and four CNFR qualifiers in the past five years. Kallen Johnson, a sophomore agribusiness and economics major from Happy, is ranked second in tie-down roping. 8:00 AM. The Texans end their season ranked ninth in the Southwest region after compiling 1.060 points for the year. ; Kassidy Albright, freshman animal science major from Marlin; Kooper Huddleston, senior agribusiness major from Amarillo; Lexi Bartley, senior equine industry and business from Sudan; Logan Price, freshman animal science major from Lakeview, Ore.; Lucy Gordon, senior social work major from Canyon; Madison Pritchard, junior equine industry and business major from Krum; Madison Largent, sophomore equine industry and business major from Newbury Park, Calif.; Sarah Parks, freshman equine industry and business major from Harrison, Ark. WTAMU rodeo athletes ranked in regional standings. 3 with 760. 25 Feb/23. Membership Fee for the season is $80.00 per person. Margo Mitchell 605-895-2541 or 605-222-4204. Justin Bell picked up 60 points for the weekend with his third-place finish in the long round and fifth place in the average. It was the final night of competition at the 77th annual National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Southwest Region Rodeo on Saturday night at the S.A.L.E. Western Texas is ranked No. CC Rodeo team in NIRA Southwest Region Top 10. South Plains College 060095 SPLNS 658.33 9. At the Lubbock event, Sharp was first in breakaway average and Johnson was second in tie-down roping average. Stewart has won three of the first four rodeos and placed second at the other. She won second in the long round, split third in the short round and ended up third in the average. The Sul Ross State University rodeo team is on a quest for its 10th national title in the history of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. The team was spotlighted in Around Texas with Chancellor John Sharp, a new television show that airs Sundays on Panhandle PBS. In the NIRAs Southern Region, Hill College is ranked No. The Tarleton men's team is the defending national champion. Quade Hiatt, a junior marketing major from Canyon, placed first in steer wrestling long round. 2 with 845 and Weatherford College is No. The team was spotlighted in Around Texas with Chancellor John Sharp, a new television show that airs Sundays on Panhandle PBS. Kennebec. Twenty-four students made the short round, with the women winning the team championship for the weekend and the men placing fourth. Once again, Harve Stewart won the bull riding. ; Erica Heckman, an August general studies graduate from Boone, Iowa; Georgie Lage, graduate agriculture student from Gordon, Neb. Cassie picked up second in the goat tying, after winning first in the long round and third in the short round. 3 with 3,635. The 2020 PBR World Finals is scheduled for Nov. 12-15 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. Vernon College Rodeo from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Vernon: Hiatt placed second in the first round of steer wrestling. 2 with 445. 1 in the Southwest Regions barrel racing standings with 395 points. Contact: Phil Riddle, News and Information Specialist817-484-4415[emailprotected]. Jessica Magelky 605-695-5371. endobj I have a feeling we will be taking a big rig to the college finals this year.. 2022-2023 Southwest Region Standings - NIRA - National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association | Celebrate the Sport that is College Rodeo. Ultimate Calf Ropings. 1. Freshman Chase Williams tied the fastest time of the rodeo with his lightning fast run of 7.6 seconds in the short round, which gave him the win of the round and the average. Vieira is ranked No. At the Lubbock event, Sharp was first in breakaway average and Johnson was second in tie-down roping average. WPRA ProRodeo standings have been organized to determine the World Champion Barrel Racer. Frank Phillips College Rodeo from Oct. 7 to 9 in Canadian: Hiatt placed fifth in steer wrestling long round and fourth in tie-down roping, and Wahlert placed sixth in tie-down roping. At the Lubbock event, Sharp was first in breakaway average and Johnson was second in tie-down roping average. Get all the details here! (509)529-4402 . The University is also home to the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, the largest history museum in the state and the home of one of the Southwests finest art collections. Membership in not required to enter aregular season rodeo, but a completed notarized medical release is necessary before competing and proper call-in must be made prior to participating (no points awarded to non members). Tarleton rodeo will compete at the Kacee Bradley Memorial Breakaway in Stephenville March 10, followed on March 11 by the Tarleton Rodeo Memorial Team Roping. Product/service. Team and individual standings can also be found at Ryan Taylor picked up 105 in the steer wrestling. Fans not attending the Nov. 30-Dec. 3 convention at the Omni Fort Worth Hotel and the Fort Worth Convention Center can purchase tickets to the reception for $30. $15 Office Charge per Rodeo per Contestant, Official Rodeo Photographer is Kevin Goodman, 2018by Cage Watlington. Theyre definitely here for the right reasons.. WT, a Hispanic Serving Institution since 2016, boasts an enrollment of about 10,000 and offers 60 undergraduate degree programs, 40 masters degrees and two doctoral degrees. The men are currently leading the team standings, and the women are second behind South Plains College. In the last few years the IPRA has also become a . 1 with 1,341.50. Wahlert placed first in tie-down roping long round. The team will travel to Texas Tech University Oct. 15-17 for the last rodeo of the semester. We offer the following events to students attending in grades K-12 up to 19 years old: Bull Riding, Steer Riding, Bronc Riding, Chute Dogging, Team Roping, Breakaway, Ribbon Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Goat Tying, Goat Pull, Barrel Racing, and Pole Bending. This story was originally published October 5, 2015, 10:18 PM. He is riding great and beating the second-place holder by 380 points. Johnson placed first in short-go of tie-down and first in average. Unfortunately, it was a tough outing for Sul Ross on Day 3. STEPHENVILLE, TexasTarleton rodeo teams held on to their standings in the Southwest Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association with stellar performances at the Odessa College Rodeo last weekend. 1 in the mens team standings. Southwest Region after 7 rodeos as of 3/29/2021 Men's Team 7. Walla Walla, WA 99362 . Birth Certificaterequired for new members. World NFR Playoff Series. The teams next NIRA outing is the Ranger College Rodeo in Sweetwater March 22-24. ; Erica Heckman, an August general studies graduate from Boone, Iowa; Georgie Lage, graduate agriculture student from Gordon, Neb. I have a feeling we will be taking a big rig to the college finals this year.. Williams collected 120 points and moved into the top eight of the standings. KC Curtis collected 70 points by placing in the tiedown roping and steer wrestling. Other team members include Ashlyn Williams, junior agriculture major from Boyd; Blake Ramsey, senior marketing major from Fowler, Colo.; Brian Gillen, junior from Elizabeth, Colo.; Cooper Morris, sophomore agribusiness major from Cicero, Ind. The rodeo team which boasts 26 members from around the country has been a WT fixture for more than 25 years, with four regional champions and four CNFR qualifiers in the past five years. According to the PRCA, the closest Jayne had ever come to qualifying for the WNFR was 2007 when he finished 19th. South Plains Emery Mask is ranked No. Southern Rodeo Association. Eastern New Mexico University Rodeo from Sept. 16 to 18 in Portales, N.M.: Owen Wahlert, a senior agribusiness and economics from Grover, Colo., placed first in tie-down roping long round and first in team roping long round and fourth in average with Johnson. Amie Hennen, a senior sports/exercise science major from Sanger, placed second in the long round of barrel racing. ; Emma Morris, freshman animal science major from Cicero, Ind. % Vernon College Rodeo from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Vernon: Hiatt placed second in the first round of steer wrestling. South Plains' Emery Mask is ranked No. National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Regional Standings 2033 Walla Walla Ave . Tyler Berghuis 151 on two head was good for third in the event. The two girls collected all 400 points for the women's team. Texas Tech is ranked No. Sul Ross State University Rodeo from Sept. 23 to 25 in Alpine: Johnson placed first tie-down roping. New this year is our online entries. Questions concerning membership can be answered by calling or emailing any of the officers orevent directors listed on the contacts page. You must make 10 of your rodeos in each event to be eligible for Finals. Vernon College Rodeo from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Vernon: Hiatt placed second in the first round of steer wrestling. 2022-2023 Southern Region Standings - NIRA - National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association | Celebrate the Sport that is College Rodeo. endobj Sul Ross State University Rodeo from Sept. 23 to 25 in Alpine: Johnson placed first tie-down roping. Doster said Mask is thriving on a remarkable barrel racing horse. Serving Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico, Tarleton rodeo teams dominate Southwest Region standings. The spring season will begin Feb. 24 at Odessa College. Fax (509)525-1090 . Theyre working at it every day. Facebook. After all that,South Plains is ranked No. Other team members making the short round included Lillian McMullan, Kiel Rowan, Chad Williams, Cody Anthony, Justin Oliver, Blake Fontenot and Jared Bilby. He has finished in the top 25 twice more (23rd in 2008 and 24th in 2013). 4 0 obj Walla Walla, WA 99362 . Our goal is to provide area youth with the opportunity to compete in rodeo events in a safe and friendly environment. The two girls collected all 400 points for the womens team. The team was spotlighted in Around Texas with Chancellor John Sharp, a new television show that airs Sundays on Panhandle PBS. 2 0 obj Barrel racer Taryn Parsonage wound up seventh in her event. endobj Sports league. The University is also home to the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, the largest history museum in the state and the home of one of the Southwests finest art collections. The Tucson show was the last regular season tour stop on the Ford Series for 2015. There will NOT be any RV Hookups available at the Coliseum. North Texas is under a level 4 storm risk. Another barrel racer, Fran Surles, also had a good weekend. He finished 80th last year. The IPRA has a membership base of over 2,400 members and currently sanctions rodeos across the United States with 15 of these events being held in Oklahoma. WT Rodeo's fall season ended with the Texas Tech University Rodeo from Oct. 28 to 30 in Lubbock. That horse seems like he handles all different types of ground really well and shes been doing good with him, Doster said. We will take a total of 8 teams each performance - Thursday and Friday Night with bringing back the top 4 in the Short Round.
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