The Continental Powder Mill on French Creek . . . Committees to ensure compliance with boycott agreements were also formed. Revolutionary War Pension Records and Bounty Land [1] It included elements of both cavalry and foot, and typically was uniformed with short green woolen jackets and white linen or doeskin pants, somewhat mimicking the British Legion in appearance. Philadelphia: G. W. Jacobs and Company, 1900. 7. Greed, Lust And Gender: A History Of Economic Ideas [PDF] Officer rosters, regiment returns, pay rolls, muster rolls, casualty reports, list of officers and men to be struck from muster rolls, reports to the President of Delaware State, lists of prisoners of war, list of discharges, inspection reports, passes. New Haven: H. E. Selesky, 1987. Lafayette Day Committee. The Delaware Blues, as the regiment was sometimes known, some 750 soldiers, took part in the campaign for New York in the summer of 1776. Vindication of Col. David Hall (photostat), 1790, 41. Virginia Gazette facsimile copy, 1976. 1. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956. 1775-1782. General Charles Lee was a leader during the American Revolution. revolutionary war lee depreciation list - In 1778, Skinner, Mrs. G.S. Depreciation Lands WebLee's Legion (also known as the 2nd Partisan Corps) was a military unit within the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Pension rolls and correspondence are interspersed. Throughout 1780, numerous resolves were passed to include others who served in various capacities and sought depreciation money, but were not considered part of the state's quota of the Continental Army. WebList of Pennsylvania soldiers of the Revolutionary War entitled to depreciation pay, 1781-1783, including their regiments and ranks. General Washington made the exchange for Lee, and because no one knew of his treason, he returned to his former position in the army. Charlottesville: Published for the Friends of the John Dickinson Plantation by the University Press of Virginia, 1983. 1776, regarding rumored changes in the Constitution, a list of members of the Council, Correction and Addenda to the published Minutes, resolutions for opening subscriptions for Continental Loan Office certificates, and acts regarding payment, clothing and supplies for Delawares troops. box and 2 v.). An Ordinance Ascertaining What Captures on Water Shall Be Lawful. 1781. Webrevolutionary war lee depreciation list. Map of donation and depreciation lands | Historic Pittsburgh 1858. 8. (Valley Forge Historical Society, 1949). Philadelphia: Swedish Colonial Foundation, 1953. Delaware Memorial at Valley Forge. He was relieved of all duty in 1780 and retired to his estate. R-77: Settlement of Delaware Revolutionary War Claims with the United States, 1776-1787; Account Book of the State Auditor of Delaware, 1784-1800. Photostats include acts of Congress pertaining to days of fasting, and business of the Council including the exporting of flour to other states and to Bermuda, complaints against Deputy Quartermaster General Francis Wade, the appointment of a deputy quartermaster, the state schooner Delaware, and efforts to regain state papers captured by the British. Kilbourne, John Dwight. Plan du Camp . U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 - The Delaware States Privy Council, created by the 1776 Constitution, worked with the President. Life of the Honorable Thomas McKean L. L. D. Lancaster, Pa.: Inquirer Printing Company, 1890. 9. 11. Letter from John McKinly (transcript), 1776, 9. Dover: Public Archives Commission of Delaware, 1926. Delawares Committees of Inspection also reported on suspected cases of speculation, discouraged dissent against the American cause, and encouraged the production of native goods such as wool. John Booker, Virginia troops (Buckner Regiment), 1776, 10. These files, also on microfilm, contain records created or acted upon by the General Assembly of Delaware. Revolutionary War Records: The North Carolina Archives . Unveiling and Preservation of the Monument Erected on the Dover Green. (Wilmington: Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati, 1912). Siebert, Wilbur H. Loyalist Troops of New England. Repr. Box 6 contains photostats of Tilton correspondence from throughout the Revolutionary period. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting . New York: American Heritage Publishing Company, 1958. Delawares loyalty to Great Britain was tested when Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 and the Townshend Acts in 1768. R-36: John C. Powell, John Dickinson, Penman of the Revolution (Ph.D. thesis, University of Iowa, 1938). Photostat. Philadelphia: J. Crissy, 1832. The Crossing (2000 TV Movie) 89 min | Biography, Drama, History 7.1 Rate Martin, Lawrence. He was relieved of command for one year. Washingtons Army in Delaware in the Summer of 1777 (address by John P. Neilds). Colonel John Haslet first commanded the Delaware Continental regiment. The sixth volume listed here, containing miscellaneous Revolutionary War items, was collated but remains unpublished. W. Dansey letter from Germantown camp (photostat), 1777, 23. Gross Receipts Tax More commonly known as a day book, the waste book contains initial recordings of daily receipts and disbursements. Duane, William, Jr. 10. Volumes IV and V of the Archives, dealing with the War of 1812, are not listed here. 2. While extensive, this list is not complete; please check the card catalog for references to states or particular persons. #391: The Declaration of Independence, four 1776 versions, 17. Hamilton, Edward P. The Champlain Valley in the American Revolution. Delaware Troops Leaving the Green, print of 1915 painting by Stanley Arthurs. Those who refused were ineligible to hold office, vote or serve on juries. His transfered to another regiment, now as a major, and fought in the Portuguese army against the Spanish invasion of Portugal; then he traveled to Poland and served as an aide-de-camp to Polish King Stanislaus II for a short time in the Russo-Turkish War. The Third Company, commanded by Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Blues, consisted mainly of Delawareans. R-48: Papers from the New York Public Library, 1774-1804. Abraham Wiles and Major Hitchens, letter from H. Ridgely, 1820, 55. Letters Washington received during the Revolutionary War reminded him of gaps in his literary knowledge. revolutionary war lee depreciation list. #88: Continental EmissionUnited States account of taxes paid by Delaware, 7. 14. Reports available are arranged by state; they give name, rank, regiment, description of wounds, and disability; they also give information regarding pension, place of residence, and physical fitness. They include transcripts and photostats as well as original documents. The first volume of this work, in four bound typescript folios, covers the Revolutionary period and Tiltons role in the war, with reference to many original documents. 4. Cities & Towns 5. Neilds, John P. Washingtons Army in Delaware in the Summer of 1777. In 1747, his father, a colonel of the 55th foot Regiment, purchased a commission for his son in his own regiment. Oaths of Allegiance show the oath taken, name of person sworn before, date of oath, and signature of person taking the oath. Delaware Regiment log, North Carolina, 1780, 28. Gilpin, Thomas, ed. Treasury Office. Despite measures to control currency depreciation, the national extent of the problem did not allow for easy solutions. Lewes meeting, examination of American grievances (transcripts from American Archives), 1774, 6. Kremer, Bruce J. John Hanson of Mulberry Grove. Attention: This site does not support the current version of your web browser. The second folder includes letters from correspondents such as General Light-Horse Harry Lee and George Washington, returns of Lees partisan corps, to which McLane was attached for a time, troop returns, and pay rolls from this period. On 3 September 1777 they were met at Coochs Bridge on the Christina Creek, just south of Newark, by about 700 American troops led by Brigadier General William Maxwell. Their term of service ended 3 November 1780.(13). Boxes 1-3 of the Dickinson Papers contain John Dickinsons correspondence relating to the American Revolution. Delaware Courts When Lord Cornwallis moved his British Army into North Carolina, Lee's Legion entered South Carolina to protect that colony, to intimidate Loyalists and harass British expeditions. of every person placed on the pension list . The Lower Counties, as Delaware was then known, were technically part of Pennsylvania, though after 1704 the two colonies had separate legislatures. Maximilien Robespierre. Revolutionary War between 1789 and 1833. . Personal Income Tax Social Media, Built by the Government Information Center The Delaware Loyalists. Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 by Virginia State Library. 1778. A letter from Allen McLane concerning the attachment of his company to the Delaware Regiment, and correspondence from Arthur Lee at the height of the Lee/Deane controversy in 1779 may also be found. (Dover: Public Archives Commission of Delaware, 1932). Congress felt having a southern leader would balance out the ideals of power, since most of the troops would be from New England. Military Uniforms in America: The Era of the American Revolution, 1755-1795. Revolutionary Patriots of Delaware, 1775-1783. These records include lists of pensioners, correspondence about receiving a pension or payment of a pension, petitions to receive a pension, descriptions of military service, and affidavits supporting pension claims. Acts of Congress concerning hospitals are also included (typescript copies). revolutionary war lee depreciation list Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files" (NARA M804) cover about 80,000 pension and bounty land warrant application files. Revolutionary War Dickens, Charles W., ed. The 1813 Pension Roll (covers 18 states, one territory and 1 district) is available online. Clarification of eligibility was verified by Congress in some cases to ensure that Massachusetts would ultimately be reimbursed for these charges by the federal government, Later adjustments were made for pay owed for 1780, with Resolves 1780, Jan 1781 Sess, c 216 (Mar. American Philosophical Society. #864: Proceedings of the Convention of the Delaware State, August 1776, RG 9270.002 General Reference Collection Biography. [Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay (Clinton map #259)]. . B. Lippincott and Co., 1870. Dyer, Alan F. The Colonial and Early National Periods in American History (1492-1789): A Bibliography of Dissertations. On June 5, 1834, the U.S. Senate required the Secretary of War to submit a statement showing the names of Revolutionary War pensioners who were on the pension rolls or had previously been on the pension rolls. These documents, available on microfilm, consist of legislation passed by the General Assembly. 2. History of Delaware, Past and Present. The Secretary of War submitted the list of pensioners to the Senate in 1835. Since this was a new countrys first war, privateering would have a mixed impact. (1), The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, and the Townshend Acts in 1770, except for the tax on tea. Henry Fisher and William Peery to John Hancock, 1777, 19. . Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. Treasury Office Certificates of Anti-Monopoly Loan of 1780, Anderson MA 20-22, 58 ((M-Ar)1599X)) to pay the balances owed officers and soldiers, over future years, with interest. Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors & Marines of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars Sergeant Andrew Jackson Smith (from the Col. Alfred S. Hartwell Papers) He spent ten months meeting different patriots and receiving a warm welcome. [Coochs Bridge and Brandywine, from Plan General des Operation de lArmee Britanique . Liberty and Independence: The Delaware State during the Revolution. James Tilton of Delaware, 1745-1822: A Patriotic Doctor in Our Two Wars with Britain, which apparently was never published. He ordered a retreat instead of attacking the retreating British after only one volley, creating chaos. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania. Revolutionary War Overview - Pennsylvania Historical During the Revolutionary War, as before, there were huge profits to be made in privateering. OfficiallyGeneral Artemas Wardheld the post of Washingtons second-in-command. #15: Revolutionary activities and Coochs Bridge, by M. Dunn, 3. Rioting between Whigs and Tories postponed October 1777 elections in Sussex County. Heitman, Francis Barnard. An Allen McLane folder, with articles on efforts taken in the 1960s to restore his burial place, is among the four American Revolution folders.
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