Despite the state's new laws, smokers are still purchasing pot through their dealers. The Liverpudlian is currently serving a 13 year prison term for importing 1 million of cannabis into Jersey. Zhenli Ye Gon Net Worth $300 Million, 14. 7/11/2019 - Special Award of up to $5,000! Drug Money Earned: $6.7 billion. A Chinese-born alleged drug kingpin accused of presiding over a multi-billion dollar narcotics operation has been arrested by Dutch authorities. He rose to the top of Rio de Janeiros drug wealth by selling cocaine in the United States. Prev. WANTED: 50 of Colorado's most wanted criminals. Agosto was eventually arrested even though he had disguised himself with plastic surgeries and wearing a wig. Kennedy was the oldest child in a political family. Lucas cut out the middleman and imported heroin directly from south east Asia to the United States, bragging that he smuggled it back in the coffins of dead American serviceman from Vietnam. Our objective all along has been to investigate RCQs current activities but also to hold him accountable for Special Agent Camarenas murder, Ellersick said. Aggravated Assault to an At-Risk Adult (Aug 2020). Known as El Mexicano, Gacha was killed at the age of 42 by police. Stolen Vehicle with Dog Inside (Apr 2021), Bobby Zajac, Erin Golla, and James Springer (Jan 2002), Nicholas Kunselman & Stephanie Hart Grizzell (Feb 2000), Sarah Skiba, Paul Skiba, and Lorenzo Chivers Homicide (Feb 1999). All Rights Reserved. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. In its two decade history, the Lodge, which prides itself in good friendly service and fun for all ages, has grown, Read More 20 Things You Didnt Know About Great Wolf LodgeContinue. "The last thing I'd want is to get my federal funding cut off.". MURDAUGH THE MURDERER: Inside the case that's gripped America as former top lawyer begins life sentence for shooting dead his wife and son on family's sprawling estate, Woman, who was over drink-drive limit, dies in crash on way home from work at club, Madeleine McCann police admit suspect WON'T be charged this year, William and Kate Middleton have worry over Prince George's Coronation role, says expert, Erik ten Hag and Jurgen Klopp issue rare joint statement ahead of crunch match, Prince Andrew demands mansion 'fit for a king' on REGAL estate from Charles - and 'top role' in royal family despite being KICKED OUT, Matt Hancock's 41-hour battle to save career after Gina Coladangelo affair revealed, BBC Weather issues long-range forecast for UK - map predicts chance of snow, Jeremy Kyle Show guest who famously had skull inked on face tragically dies, Family left heartbroken with wife in tears after being kicked out of a pantomime show, "I watched my leg being cut off - and now I'm free of 'suicide disease' pain", Moment Brit arrested at Colombian airport 'trying to fly home with 2m of cocaine in suitcase', Subscribe to Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror newspapers. 02/2018 - Special Reward of up to $4,000! Experts say he is in the same league as notorious drug lords El Chapo and Pablo Escobar. Skip to Main Content. Contact Us. Jungs specialty was large scale Columbian cocaine smuggling. It is believed that Lehder continues to serve 55 years of a lfie without parole sentence plus an additional 135 years. Plus, he added, there's no line to see him. The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. As he fought with rival groups he recruited 30 elite soldiers to form his own private army. Before his arrest, Tse was one of the worlds most-wanted fugitives. Some sources claim that Ye Gon is part of the Sinaloa Cartel, the international crime syndicate which the United States Intelligence Community has described as the worlds most powerful organization trafficking drugs. It was named for its city base of Santiago de Cali. He had made enemies with the DEA, the Cali Cartel, the Colombian government, the FARC guerrillas and Victor Carranza and his so-called emerald guild. His work came with the side benefit of syphilis, which contracted when he was about 20 years old. Caro Quintero is currently a fugitive wanted in the United States, Mexico and other countries. Mexico's most notorious drugs gangster Kingpin Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman was finally captured after 13 years on the run. Hers was a brutal campaign for dominance that turned the resort city into Mexicos murder capital. When the US invaded Panama in 1989, Noriega was eventually captured as a prisoner of war. While much has been written about Kennedys famous family, his educational background, his career in investing and business, and his unusual request to have a lobotomy performed on his eldest daughter Rosemary, nothing much is written about his alleged participation in illegal activities. 6/12/2013 - Special Reward of up to $3,000! After his arrest by Mexican and American detectives, in the Mexico seaside resort of Mazatalan, we take a look back at some more of the world's drug lords. There were two thousand workers who lived in dormitories at the complex and when it was finally destroyed by the DEA and the Columbian National Police more than 13 metric tons of cocaine were destroyed as well. Then he expanded operations internationally. The Agents and Analysts of the CBI Investigations Section provide a full range of criminal investigative assistance to local law enforcement. Her competitors eventually made attempts to assassinate her, so she escaped to California. 12/14/2021 - Special Reward of up to $100,000! Purchased legally, without a medical card, that same amount would put him out around $400. But now police in Mexico hope to keep hold of Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug barons. cash reward for information that leads to herarrest at the time of the tip, during the week of airing. The organization had illegal breweries and liquor transportation in a crime network that extended into Canada. After his arrest and conviction for drug smuggling, Jung served almost 20 years in prison. He was sentenced to 19 years of prison time. While NFL coaches are not as celebrated as NFL players, they are nonetheless important because of their incredible influence upon all aspects of an NFL team. Jorge, Juan David, and Fabio Ochoa were primary members of the dangerous Medelln Cartel during the later years of the 1980s. The United States government filed an indictment against Ye Gon stating that four shipments were part of a larger conspiracy to support methamphetamine importation. At the height of his power, Pablo Escobar was said to be the seventh richest man in the world, with his Medellin drugs cartel thought to be behind up to 80% of all the cocaine shipped to the United States. Theyre a fascinating collection of powerful men and women who lived violent or strange lives while amassing some of the greatest fortunes imaginable. If you ask Spike, he can also offer something that the dispensaries, despite all their brand new bells and whistles, cannot: a built-in smoking buddy. Contact Rachel Zarrell at An official website of the United States government. . This canprevent the tip being acted on in a timely manner. Gilberto is serving 30 years at the Butner, North Carolina Federal Correctional Institution. He is significant for founding Muerte a Secuestradores, the paramilitary organization focused on retaliation against guerrillas who kidnapped cartel families and members. York Co. With cases against him in Mexico and the United States, Ye Gon was eventually arrested in Maryland and incarcerated. Phone Number: 303-239-4211 Griselda Blanco Restrepo carries several nicknames: Carlos Enrique Lehder Rivas is serving prison time in the United States. Loading. Fans of the Yorkshire-based drama will remember . FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive Rafael Caro-Quintero was arrested in Mexico in July 2022. A lifelong Colorado resident, Mario, a slight man with glasses and a goatee, who asked that his last name be withheld, has yet to step foot in a dispensary. Nicky Barnes Net Worth $105 Million, 16. 07/30/2020 - Special Reward of up to $7,000! Fugitive Wanted for the Kidnapping and Murder of a Federal Agent is Added to the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List, FBI, This Week: Rafael Caro-Quintero Added to Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List, Se Busca Por el FBI: Rafael Caro Quintero ha Sido Agregado a la Lista de los Diez Prfugos ms Buscados, Wanted by the FBI: Rafael Caro-Quintero Added to Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List, is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. "I'm afraid that information could get somehow compromised," he said about his fears of his loans being affected by being on a medical registry. Wanted for the following alleged federal violations: Distribution, Wanted for the following alleged federal violations: Conspiracy to Possess with Intent to Distribute Controlled Substance; Attempt/Conspiracy-Controlled Substance-Import/Export with Intent to Distribute, Domestic Cannabis Suppression / Eradication Program, Red Ribbon Toolkit - Resources For Your Community, DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Intelligence Research Specialist Job Announcements, Schedule A Hiring Authority: Intelligence Research Specialist, Privacy Impact Assessment and Management Information Systems, Victim Witness Assistance Program Resources. The list of the 20 richest, and most notorious, drug dealers in history. Though he became popular for building football fields and house in Columbia, the city also earned the title of the worlds murder capital. Caro-Quintero is the 518th individual to be named to the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list since the program was established in 1950. Dairo Antonio suga, better known as Otoniel, led Colombia's largest criminal gang Colombia has announced that the country's most wanted drug trafficker will be extradited to the US after he. Theyve inspired songs and telenovelas. Blancos drug network was violent, lawless and free-wheeling. El Mencho commands a group of 5,000 hitmen and is on the Drug Enforcement Administration's list of most wanted traffickers. His nickname is El Parito Loco, The Crazy Duck. The group is reportedly the source the largest percentage of drugs . Dutch police spokesman Thomas Aling said Tse is expected to be extradited after appearing before a judge. Your weekday morning guide to breaking news, cultural analysis, and everything in between, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Everything You Need To Know About Colorados New Marijuana Laws. Crime Stoppers is offering a$500.00cash reward for information that leads to his arrest at the time of the tip, during the week of airing. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar Net Worth $6.7 Billion, 2. Sheriff's Office Main Line: 717-771-9601. The Cali Cartel had a public face as respected businessmen but were involved in counterfeiting, kidnapping and importing cocaine from Peru and Bolivia to Colombia. But for now, Spike, a 26-year-old dealer who works at a Denver grow, says he offers a deal to the young professionals he sells to. It's easy to report info about unsolved crimes or wanted individuals: Call: 720-913-STOP(7867) or report online Regardless of the method you use, you will remain anonymous and be eligible for an award of up to $2,000! A grandmother has been jailed after allowing her drug dealer boyfriend to store more than 6,000 worth of cocaine in her fridge. 10/09/2009 - Special Reward of up to $10,000! Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar is currently the most wanted criminal in India, with a reward of $25 million being offered in return for his capture. Five years later behind bars, having turned drugs supergrass he was released and went into the witness protection programme. Rafael Caro Quintero co-founded the Guadalajara Cartel. He once escaped from a high security jail by hiding in a laundry basket. Fax Number: (719) 547-2183 He developed a skill for infiltrating the United States drug market and specialized in cocaine smuggling. Is to increase the safety of the Metro Denver community by assisting Law Enforcement Agencies in identifying and arresting criminal suspects through anonymous tips. Amado Carrillo Fuentes Net Worth $25 Billion, 16. His love for the popular culture of Mexico earned him his nickname, and he capitalized on his passion by owning horse, farms and wealth. Crime Stoppers is offering a$500.00cash reward for information that leads to herarrest at the time of the tip, during the week of airing. Vail's International Student Workers Feel Left Out in the Cold Over High Housing Costs, Help Prevent Car Theft: Let the Denver Police Department Track Your Stolen Vehicle's Location, "Western Water Girl" Uses TikTok to Make a Splash on Colorado Water Issues. Though Capone was a promising Catholic school student, he eventually was expelled because he hit one of the women teachers in the face. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. On June 10, Emma Coronel Aispuro, a former beauty queen, pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington, DC, to helping Joaquin El Chapo Guzmn her notorious trafficker husband run his empire, the Sinaloa cartel. Biometric Identification and Records Unit, Biometric Identification and Records Unit FAQs, Resources for Non-Criminal Justice Agencies, Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and Colorado Crime Statistics, Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) Reciprocity, Federal Firearm Licensee (FFL) Information, LEA Disposition of Firearms/Evidence Returns, Sex Offender Registration Training - Law Enforcement, Sex Offender Registration Training - For Law Enforcement Only. Denzel Washington portrayed Lucas in the movie American Gangster, which was a dramatic fictionalization of Lucas and his Harlem drug trafficking operation. Call:720-913-STOP(7867) or report online Regardless of the method you use, you will remain anonymous and be eligible for an award of up to $2,000! Theyre also as brutal and ruthless as any of their male counterparts, capable of launching all-out war against their enemies. She was charged with helping her Colombian boyfriend sell drugs and launder money through a string of tanning salons she owned called Electric Beach. Abilene Crime Stoppers provides many ways to give a tip. Authorities in the Netherlands were unable to provide details about the legal proceedings and it was not clear whether Tse had a lawyer. cash reward for information that leads to his arrest at the time of the tip, during the week of airing. 8/13/2020 - Special Reward of up to $10,000! The notorious narcoterrorist and drug lord from Colombia was born Pablo Emilion Escobar Gaviria. 1/1/2020 - Special Reward of up to $2,675! He also had his own heroin addiction until he went to jail. Lucas was also featured in the television series American Gangster and the series Drug Lords, a Netflix documentary production. 2/22/2018 - Special Reward of up to $3,000! Details surrounding the case are limited because it is still sealed, but the source said he was released in 2006 and returned to Canada before moving to Hong Kong. Lehders father is German and his mother is Columbian. He was ultimately arrested and convicted of state and federal drug violations. Secure .gov websites use HTTPSA lock ( Therefore; calling our hotline can help to ensure a more appropriate response for these types of tips. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. Not including taxes, the shops' prices are high for a few reasons: a lack of cost regulation within the state, a soaring demand with little supply, and because owners want to try to recoup some of the cash they have dished out in the process of becoming one of the few legitimate "ganjapreneurs" in the world. In 1976 he was sentenced to 70 years in prison after being convicted of drugs charges. He was known as The Lord of the Skies because he transported drugs using his huge fleet of jets. Garrett by trade is a personal finance freelance writer and journalist. To that end, the FBI is working closely with the DEA, the U.S. finally captured after 13 years on the run. Women in the cartels have shown that they can be as brutal as some of the men, Almonte said. Meanwhile, Suzy fears that Leyla's gloating too soon as she may have made a terrible mistake. Authorities allege that Tse, 57, is the leader of the Sam Gor Syndicate, arguably the biggest drug-trafficking operation in Asias history. 11/18/2019 - Special Reward of up to $2,500! Next . And though eager smokers are still facing lines at the dispensaries, customers benefit from security not generally available in "underground" pot dealings, said Vasquez. She is said to be the trafficker responsible for perhaps 200 murders during the time she transported cocaine from Colombia to Southern California, Miami, and New York. Caro Quintero tried to hide in Costa Rica after the murders, but he was arrested and extradited to Mexico. Gallo hired a lawyer on behalf of Barnes, whose conviction was subsequently overturned. Many name Ross as the man responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic in America. He was arrested in Sinaloa state, in a joint operation with US anti-drugs forces which had offered 3.2 million reward. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. By the time he was 26, Capone took over control of the crime group Torrio headed. Today, more than ever, it is clear to me that I should have paid more attention to my actions and my actions consequences.. If you have information regarding the fugitive, call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324), contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate, or submit a tip online at Likely, she will need to go into witness protection, said Almonte. 12/11/2019 - Special Reward of up to $3,000! "If you were a responsible grower you could pull in $60,000 a year," Spike said. He was arrested in 1996 sell 100 kilos of coke to an undercover police officer. But now police in Mexico hope to keep hold of Joaquin Guzman, one of the world's most wanted drug barons. The operation wasnt successful, and he died from surgical complications from either a respirator which malfunctioned or medication. Before they led her away, she convinced them to allow her to touch up her makeup so that she could look good in her mugshot. 5/02/2019 - Special Reward of up to $40,000! He was convicted and sent to prison to serve a 15-year sentence. Coronel Aispuro helped her husband distribute cocaine and passed on messages to the cartel while he was imprisoned in Mexico, according to the FBI. Colombian National Police killed Escobar when he was just 44 years old. Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela Net Worth $3 Billion, 6. After two high-profile busts, these drug doyennes are being tried like their male counterparts and possibly turning against them . 9 min read Now that El Chapo is convicted and put behind bars for life plus 30 years, in this article we will. Police wondered where this humble homemaker got the cash, and vila Beltrn who owned more than 200 properties in Guadalajara was arrested five years later. The King of Cocaine earned his title for having an annual personal income of more than $21.9 billion per year. Gacha was the pioneer of new drug trafficking routes in Houston, Texas, Los Angeles, California, and Mexico. She will likely serve a short sentence if she spills information about the cartel, and if that happens, her life will be in danger once she is released, he said. The Cali Cartel infiltrated his organization and the rest shared intelligence reports with the government. The couple announced their plans to marry in the run-up to the pageant, and many have suggested that she won the title because of El Chapos influence. However he does like to take on other topics involving some of his personal interests like automobiles, future technologies, and anything else that could change the world. His life was presented in a Netflix/ Univision co-production El Chapo. Methamphetamine pills confiscated from court cases on display in Bangkok, Thailand, on June 26, 2020. between $30 billion and $61 billion a year, by a Reuters investigation published in 2019. Cali as access to the Pacific Coast, which is its major distinction from other Colombian cities. Amazing, too, is the incredibly accurate net worth attributed to each based on government and law enforcement records, and in some cases photos of huge piles of money retrieved during police raids. All quick pay rewards are waiting to be paid out. For an adult on his way home, Tvert asked, which option would he be more likely to choose: calling everyone he knows to try to find some marijuana, or stopping by the nearest store and paying a bit more? By the time Gallo got out of jail the two were collaborating significantly. Denzel Washington played him in the film American Gangster. Barnes met Matthew Madonna who dealt heroin as part of the Lucchese crime family while he was in jail. Guzmn made Forbes list every year from 2009 until 2011, such was his powerful reputation. . Phone Number: 970-248-7500 According to Brooks, over . 5/10/2021- Special Reward of up to $7,000! Email:, Agent in Charge Jodi Wright, Major Crimes In addition to her preferred tight jeans and stilettos, the raven-haired vila Beltrn was known for wearing a gold pendant of King Tutankhamen, studded with 83 rubies, 228 diamonds and 189 sapphires. And some people have had, Read More 10 Things You Didnt Know about John MatzeContinue, Great Wolf Lodge is the largest indoor water park resort in the United States. The documents described Sam Gor as a triad-like network a reference to ethnic Chinese gangs that operate in Asia and North America but more mobile and dynamic. During its heyday, the cartel shipped huge amounts of marijuana through its network of drug traffickers. Learn how your comment data is processed. A Warner Bros. DENVER There are two ways to buy marijuana legally in Colorado: Buy it from a licensed pot shop and suck up the high taxes, or register for a medical marijuana card to get much cheaper grow. His family owned a used car business, and Lehder began is path toward a life of crime by stealing American cars to sell in the family business. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Marshals Service, and the U.S. Department of State, which is providing the $20 million reward through its Narcotics Rewards Program. He was a crime boss in New York City. The groups existence was revealed in 2016 after a Taiwanese drug trafficker was arrested in Yangon, Myanmar, the briefing showed. Rafael Caro Quintero was arrested by Navy agents in the northern state of Chihuahua, Mexican media said. Dispensary workers say Mario is not alone in his decision to stick with the black market. The Ochoa brothers originally were part of a cattle- breeding family that also did business with family restaurants. and help keep the future of Westword, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. Carrying out the hit was just one role Agosto played in his criminal organization. Dairo Antonio suga, better known as Otoniel, was seized after a joint operation by. Guzman-Loera is the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, becoming involved in drug trafficking in the late 1980s. Email:, Agent in Charge Collin Reese, Major Crimes At that time, these products were commonly included in cold medications available over the counter. At one time, Lucas owned property all around the United States. Discovery Company. Inside the sparsely decorated shop, customers can choose strains with names like "Ghost Train Haze" and "Alien Dawg," or buy their own plant clones and try their hand at growing. Creating safer and more resilient communities across Colorado. As a Colombian drug lord, he co-founded the Medellin Cartel. He was ranked in the $200 to $400 million category. "Now it's like a minimum-wage job.". Four years later, when her husband was arrested, Laborn became the head of the cartel, launching one of the bloodiest waves of violence in Acapulco. Denver's independent source of While Douglas of the UNODC praised Tses arrest, he said more needed to be done to ensure drug lords cannot take advantage of poor government oversight of the areas in Myanmar and Laos. A diverse clientele stands in a line that weaves out the door, ranging from businessmen in plaid button-ups to elderly women in cardigans flanked by their friends. Blanco was born in Cartagena and was shot do death in Medelln at the age of 69. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn was ranked by Forbes magazine as the biggest drug lord in history. Kennedy died in 1969, but the rumor about how he made his wealth exploded when Frank Costello, the famed Brooklyn Mafia boss told an author that he and Kennedy has bootlegged together during Prohibition. 2. Colombia's most wanted drug trafficker and the leader of the country's largest criminal gang has been captured. Marshals Service by visiting the following link: . Freeway Ricky Ross Net Worth $600 Million, 12. After that, he took on a variety of odd jobs in Brooklyn and mentored with Johnny Torrio, the gangster. This is not Tses first run-in with law enforcement. Beltrn Leyva suspected that El Chapo had snitched on his sibling to authorities, so he launched a bloody war against the Sinaloa cartel. PICKENS COUNTY, S.C. . While taking down syndicate leadership matters, the conditions they effectively used in the region to do business remain unaddressed, and the network remains in-place, he said. Barnes had left home at a young age and dealing drugs became his income. The history of Emmerdale's iconic pub The Woolpack. Forms . Since that time, 484 fugitives have been apprehended or. 10/22/2019 - Special Reward of up to $3,000! The following year, Camarena was close to uncovering a million-dollar drug pipeline from Mexico to the United States, but before he was able to expose the operation, the federal agent was kidnapped in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, allegedly on direct orders from Caro-Quintero. Her first husband was killed in a shootout, her second was stabbed through the heart both during the Mexican drug wars. Caro-Quintero is the 518th individual to be named to the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list since the program was established in 1950. He died from a stroke, pneumonia and cardiac arrest in his mansion on Palm Island, Florida after struggling with symptoms caused by the late stages of syphilis. 19 people were arrested following a countywide drug operation, according to Chief Deputy Chad Brooks with the Pickens County Sheriff's Office. Canadian national Tse Chi Lop was detained at Amsterdams Schipol International Airport on Friday, according to Australian Federal Police (AFP), which has taken the lead in a sprawling international investigation. An official website of the United States government. He was convicted of the truck drivers murder and was sentenced to 209 years of prison. Jorge Luis Ochoa Vsquez Net Worth $6 Billion, 3. Granted, that's an unusually low price, as high-quality green generally costs an average of $237 an ounce, according to, a self-described "global price index for marijuana.". Osegueras father, known by his underworld moniker El Mencho, heads up the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. El Mencho commands a group of 5,000 hitmen and is on the Drug Enforcement Administrations list of most wanted traffickers. The brothers began trafficking marijuana and then added cocaine. Kennedy and Rose had nine children. Now 60, vila Beltrn was an important link between Mexican cartels and Colombian cocaine traffickers, largely because of her romantic relationship with Colombian drug dealer Juan The Tiger Diego Espinoza. Gacha had prospered in drug trafficking, and he was a known killer. Jorge was listed in Forbes as one of the top twenty richest men in the world. Denver7 | Weather. The fugitives listed are the 100 most wanted fugitive sex offenders in Colorado. Caro-Quintero is believed to be in hiding in Mexico. She came onto police radar in 2002 after paying $5 million in ransom when her teenage son was kidnapped by rival drug traffickers. He was central to the plan to swap guns for drugs with the Nicaraguan contras. Together with our federal partners at the DEA, the U.S. Metro Denver Crime Stoppers Successes Since 1981: In 2016, authorities arrested Clara Elena Laborn, a former beauty queen from Sonora state who had married Hctor Beltrn Leyva, El Chapos former partner in the Sinaloa cartel. One of his most infamous acts was his involvement in the kidnapping and . Hed had his bodyguards with him in the operating room to watch over the July surgery. Known as the friend killer, Guillen killed his mentor to take over the Gulf Cartel in Mexico. Known . If youd like to reach out about anything other than reporting a crime, submit the form below and we will get back to you shortly. Submit a Tip. His work as a drug warlord extended internationally. 1 / Ad. She was a stewardess and could hide the drugs in her suitcases. Asias methamphetamine trade is believed to be worth between $30 billion and $61 billion a year, and Sam Gor, which is sometimes simply referred to as the Company, is allegedly its biggest player.
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