Please select one of the below to continue: Email this form to yourself and complete it on your computer. This translation application tool is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. A California TOD deed is a legal document that conveys real estate to a designated beneficiary when the current owner dies.1 TOD deedswhich have become a popular tool in California estate planningallow property owners to transfer real estate outside of probate. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. Our online ordering system makes it easy. If you have questions of a legal nature or need legal advice for a specific situation, you should contact a California attorney for assistance. An individual who is generally competent to be a witness can witness a TOD deed. The California TOD deed form allows a person to avoid probate by using a deed to transfer property at his . If you have legal questions about how the law affects your specific circumstances, you may wish to consult with a California attorney. The web pages currently in English on the DMV website are the official and accurate source for the program information and services the DMV provides. The decedents Disabled Person (DP) parking placard. The interview is asking for my first and last names, no LLC name so i wonder. Look up the status of an active OL permit holder. my son, John Smith. The DMV chatbot and live chat services use third-party vendors to provide machine translation. If the trustee signing is not shown on the title, a REG 256 (Section G) is required attesting to their appointment as successor trustee by the trustor or retiring trustee. This system contains State of Ohio and United States government information and is restricted to authorized users ONLY. Because we are not a law firm, there are laws that prevent us from answering legal questions or providing legal advice. Join 1,972,984 Americans who searched for Car Insurance Rates: Passing the California written exam has never been easier. The California Legislature also publishes the TOD law on its website. Refer to Appendix 1F for fees. How to Transfer Real Estate with a Power of Attorney, Free Online Deed Forms and Why You Shouldnt Use Them. Use caution when using a public computer or device. We accept current prescriptions from licensed doctors, optometrists or ophthalmologists. Look up the status of an active OL permit holder. If any questions arise related to the information contained in the translated content, please refer to the English version. The name of the person reporting the death, and their relationship to the decedent. When your chat is over, you can save the transcript. The content currently in English is the official and accurate source for the program information and services DMV provides. business, consumer services and housing agency . You need a form to do pretty much anything, that's why we got the most common DMV office forms and put them in one convenient place! Do they have to provide notice to each other, or does this invalidate the need for notification? The decedents vehicle/vessel is titled in California. These are the simple steps to making sure your transfer on death deed is prepared correctly: 1. 1. Any co-owner who wants to name a TOD beneficiary must complete and RECORD a SEPARATE deed. Thus, co-owner spouses who want to use California TOD deeds must each complete and record a separate deed. The TOD fee will be . Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration. H30. The property transfers to your joint tenant or surviving spouse and not according to this deed. REVOCABLE TRANSFER ON DEATH (TOD) DEED (California Probate Code Section 5642) This document is exempt from documentary transfer tax under Rev. Thanks for the comment. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. This will allow the vehicle to be transferred to this person without going through probate. If you have received a form through postal mail, you can send it back to the same address. Coping with the loss of a loved one can be one of the hardest challenges many will face. Preparing for a standard, commercial, or motorcycle knowledge test? The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by the third-party vendors and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the content resulting from the use of the translation service. Changing or Revoking a TOD BeneficiaryDuring the lifetime of the registered owner, the owner may revoke a title held in beneficiary form or change the beneficiary name by selling or transferring the vehicle/vesselorby submitting an application for a new title completedwithouta TOD beneficiary designation. Convenient self-service touchscreen machines in select DMV field offices and retail locations available for registration and drivers license transactions. Conservator or guardian of the property of the person(s) who succeeded to the property of the decedent. Note that you can use this form while transferring ownership of a vehicle. This type of deed can be filed with the recorder so that when the person dies, it automatically becomes the property of the person designated. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by the third-party vendors and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the content resulting from the use of the translation service. Application for registration and title application (download the form, fill out online, and print to bring with you). Are a husband and wife who own community property use this form to designate a beneficiary? However, the heir may execute a REG 5 to release the interest of the deceased co-owner when the vehicle is registered as community property (COMPRO). Submit a written statement listing the: Decedent's full name. Learn the laws and rules of the road in preparation for your drive and knowledge tests. Look up the status of an active OL permit holder. The CA DMV requires that you provide: Release of your ownership of the car by signing the designating line on the title certificate. The beneficiarys signatureis notrequired to add, change, or delete a beneficiary. /Length 8 0 R The most immediately significant change is that two witnesses must now sign a California TOD deed.2 Both witnesses must be present at the same time and must either see the property owner sign the TOD deed or hear the owner acknowledge the signature. Note:Ownership may be transferred to another person. Adding a TOD BeneficiaryTo add a TOD beneficiary,the following must be submitted: First LineThe registered owners name is entered as usual. Code 5625. If ownership is released by an administrator or executor, the relationship of the transferee to the decedent must be declared on a. If you have legal questions about how the law affects your specific circumstances, you may wish to consult with a California attorney. Preparing for a standard, commercial, or motorcycle knowledge test? Note: Vehicles/vessels titled in another state must be transferred in that state (requirements may differ from California). DMV knows it is no longer valid. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 The transfer of death allows the vehicle to be transferred to the person without going through probate. The following pages provided on the DMV website cannot be translated using Google Translate: Google Translate is not support in your browser. The DMV chatbot and live chat services use third-party vendors to provide machine translation. Ohio Bmv Power Of Attorney For RegistrationBMV 4826 Application for. >> Guardian or conservator of the estate of the next of kin. Practice here. Lien holders must also sign the title, if applicable. Thanks for any information you can provide. Step 5 In the blank indicated, write in your full name. Thank you, The recent amendments revised California Probate Code 5600 to add Subdivision (d). We are not able to provide legal advice applying the law to an individuals specific situation. You can now get your drivers license/identification card and vehicle registration renewal notices electronically. CA DMV Subject: Index ready This form is used in transfering a vehicle without probate. If you have questions of a legal nature or need legal advice for a specific situation, you should contact a California attorney for assistance. BLM Form 3830-4: Affidavit of Annual Assessment Work. To translate this page, please This is the first Ive heard of the CA TOD sunsetting. It's a simple way of naming someone to inherit the vehicle when the owner dies. The certificate of title, also known as a pink slip in California, is the official document issued by the state DMV for purposes of linking the old with the new owner and signing over the vehicle ownership. The question-and-answer section of California Probate Code 5642 describes a TOD deeds effect on real estate owned as community property with right of survivorship like this: If you are the first joint tenant or spouse to die, the deed is VOID and has no effect. If you are the last joint tenant or spouse to die, the deed takes effect and controls the ownership of your property when you die.. If the vehicle will not be used, place the vehicle on planned non-operation (PNO) status by filling out a, Cancel liability coverage with the decedents insurance company and then submit an. The California seq. You'll find many downloadable forms below. A power of attorney, An original or certified copy of the death certificate for, Use tax or, in lieu of use tax, collect a Certificate of Vehicle, Mobilehome, or Commerical Coach Use Tax Clearance (BOE 111) form issued by the Board of Equalization and a. Sole beneficiary or beneficiaries, under the last will of the decedent. An Illinois transfer-on-death instrument (also known as an Illinois TOD deed form) transfers property automatically when a property owner dies. Your driving record will include your driver's license status, violation convictions (including DUIs), endorsements, restrictions and administrative actions that are associated . Regal Edwards Corona Crossings & RPX Save theater to favorites 2650 Tuscany Street Corona, CA 92881 Theater Info Ticketing Options: Mobile, PrintRegal Clarksville Screenings for Regal Clarksville Today Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Choose a screening type Choose a Movie 1810 Tiny Town Road Clarksville, TN 37042 Check on Google Maps (844) 462-7342 . State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. Trustee, under a trust agreement by the deceased, if the primary beneficiaries are the next of kin. January 4, 2022 by Christopher Moore 22 Comments. Execute the TODD form, then record it during the course of your life, and within 60 days of the signing date (5626 (a)). To calculate the decedents property value, see. Like a will, a transfer-on-death deed allows property owners to designate one or more people or organizations to inherit property on the property owner's death. Please check your inbox (including spam box). This translation application tool is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. The decedents California Driver License and/or Identification Card (DL/ID). Apply for a license or ID card (including REAL ID). Google Translate is a free third-party service, which is not controlled by the DMV. An Affadavit for Transfer Without Probate California Titled Vehicle or Vessels Only (REG 5) form may be used to transfer ownership of a vehicle when the registered owner or legal owner (an individual) of the vehicle is deceased,provided40 days have elapsed since the date of death of the owner, the value of the decedents property in Californiadoes notexceed $150,000, and the vehicle is titled in California. Machine translation is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. If the decedent died before January 1, 2020, the property value must not exceed $150,000. Practice here. Whom do they provide notice to? The DMV chatbot and live chat services use third-party vendors to provide machine translation. If you have legal questions or need advice about a specific issue, you should contact a lawyer who practices in California. Write the Grantor's Details Start filling from the upper left corner of the paper. & Tax. If the decedents vehicle is less than 10 years old, you must submit an odometer disclosure statement with the California Certificate of the Title or Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment Form (REG 262). Do I now have to go back and do this all over again with the witnesses? Can a CA property with multiple liens use the TOD? Simply the process of getting a copy of your driving record, by using our online service. The beneficiary must sign the name of the registered owner and countersign on line 1. You can find more information on title transfers on the vehicle title transfers page. Code 5670, et. If any questions arise related to the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the English version. Renew, reinstate, or apply for a motor carrier permit. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website uses Google Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. Must they file something with the lien holder in a certain number of days for the TOD to hold up? Former Prisoner of War, Legion of Valor, Pearl Harbor Survivor, and Purple Heart License PlatesThe surviving spouse of the decedent may retain these license plates and their privileges, which may include exemption from vehicle registration, license plate reassignment, addition, deletion, and replacement fees. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool. The beneficiary cannot be a witness, nor the one signing over the TOD correct? If any questions arise related to the information contained in the translated website, please refer to the English version. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\ $FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= If you or anyone named in a TOD deed have legal questions about how the law affects your specific circumstances, you may wish to consult with a California attorney. N. Chase bank account transfer on death. A California revocable transfer on death (TOD) deed is similar to what is called a life estate, whereby a persons property is passed onto a loved one upon their death without going through the probate process. If a trustee releases interest of a vehicle/vessel not registered to a trust, ownership is determined by the decedents will as contained in the trust document. As one of about a dozen legislatures countrywide, the Golden State allows residents to add a transfer on death (TOD) beneficiary to a vehicle's title. In reading the article, it states there must be two witnesses. DP License Plates must be surrendered to DMV upon expiration of the registration, or within 60 days of the owners death, whichever occurs first. To calculate the decedents property value, see California Probate Code 13050. N')].uJr Transfer of Ownership to BeneficiaryUpon the death of the registered owner, ownership may be transferred to the TOD beneficiary. To translate this page, please The web pages currently in English on the DMV website are the official and accurate source for the program information and services the DMV provides. You shouldnt take anything on this site to be legal advice or make any decisions based on it. A title transfer for the decedents vehicle/vessel. A Statement of Facts (REG 256) form completed by the beneficiary stating the date and place of the owner's death and that they are entitled to the vehicle as the designated beneficiary. See all online services Go Paperless The content currently in English is the official and accurate source for the program information and services DMV provides. Learn the laws and rules of the road in preparation for your drive and knowledge tests. Bank deposit accounts, such as. 3. Statement of Facts (REG 256) form. See if you can take care of business with any of them. Fill out this form to request a duplicate California title or paperless title. You must log in to or create a DMV account to sign up for your email renewal notices. If co-owners have a right of survivorship, a co-owners survivorship rights take precedence over a beneficiary designation in a TOD deed. Beneficiary under the decedents last will and testament. Title transfers between parents and their children, spouses, grandparents and grandchildren, domestic partners, and siblings are exempt from the transfer smog certification requirements if confirmed withthe following form: When a vehicle changes ownership, the vehicles value is usually re-assessed based on the purchase price (if purchased) or on the current market value (if a gift) to determine the appropriate vehicle license fee (VLF). listing the decedents information, including date and death. Online Services With DMV offices serving a limited number of customers, providing services online is crucial. A transfer-on-death deed form (also called a TOD deed form) is a deed that serves as a substitute for a will. To translate this page, please % "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel }}Cq9 install the Google Toolbar (opens in new window) . The value of the decedents propertydoes not includeany vehicle, vessel, manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial coach, or floating home. If the transfer-on-death deed is properly signed, notarized, and filed, it operates to transfer real estate to the named . With DMV offices serving a limited number of customers, providing services online is crucial. ; Buyer must provide the ownership documents to the CA DMV. Costco Optical Costco DriveFind an Optical Centre . Change "Show entries" to a higher amount. A California TOD deed is a legal document that conveys real estate to a designated beneficiary when the current owner dies. Use caution when using a public computer or device. you may wish to RECORD a TOD deed revocation form before creating the new instrument. What happens to the loan we owe on our home if our adult kids receive ownership of our home via a CA TOD? Prob. All Rights Reserved. Prob. Bill of sale (PDF 193K) (Not to be used as an assignment of ownership for a Titled vehicle). Subsection (b) of the same statute then provides a suggested form for the notice to heirs. Below you may download forms associated with registration and titling of your manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial modular, floating home, and truck camper. Cal. Because we are not a law firm, there are laws that prevent us from answering legal questions or providing legal advice. Step 6 Sign and date in front of a notary public and file it with the local county recorder. No hidden fees or recurring costs. Thanks! A reasonably diligent effort means delivering notice as described in Section 1215 at the heirs last address actually known to the beneficiary. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool. Prob. The DMV chatbot and live chat services use third-party vendors to provide machine translation. When your chat is over, you can save the transcript. Former Prisoner of War and Purple Heart License Plates OnlyUpon the death of the owner and surviving spouse (if any), another family member (parent, stepparent, children, stepchildren, grandparent, step grandparent, sibling, or stepsibling) may retain one license plate as a family heirloom. Disabled Veteran (DV)License Plates must be surrendered to DMV by December 31 of the current year, or within 60 days of the owners death, whichever occurs first. When interacting with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Virtual Assistant, please do not include any personal information. Deliver this page to a DMV office or mail it to: Oregon DMVServices, Attn: Financial & Accounts Unit -TOD Desk, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem OR 97314, or send it by facsimile machine (FAX). Thanks for the comment. All rights reserved. division of codes and standards . Our software allows our users to prepare real estate deeds without using an attorney. If it does sunset does that effect my status as rightful owner of this property. Signature LineThe registered owners signature is required. If you have legal questions about how the law affects your specific circumstances, you may wish to consult with a California attorney. Prob. If the decedent was issued any special license plates, they must also be surrendered to DMV. Our software allows our users to prepare real estate deeds without using an attorney. The legislative overhaul of Californias TOD deed law includes several more notable changes with potentially significant consequences. Include an original or certified copy of the decedent's death certificate. Download. A California TOD deed must also be recorded with the county recorder of the county where the property is located.6 The amended statute requires recording within 60 days of a TOD deeds notarization datea minor change from the prior versions recording deadline of 60 days after execution. transfer on death beneficiary . The registered owner of a vehicle/vessel may designate a transfer on death (TOD) beneficiary to whom ownership of the vehicle/vessel may be transferred upon death of the owner. Our online ordering system makes it easy. In some states, vehicle owners can register their cars and boats in transfer-on-death (TOD) form. about the ins and outs of getting a license for the first time and becoming a smart and safe driver for life.View the Teen Drivers guide, Build on your strengths and review the rules of the road so you can continue to drive safely for as long as possible.View the Senior Drivers guide, Learn more about modifications, adaptive equipment, medical issues, and warning signs so you can drive with confidence.View the People With Disabilities guide, Find out how the DMV can help connect eligible veterans and active duty military with entitled benefits and services.View the Veterans & Active Military guide, Refine your skills and sharpen your focus so youre ready to hit the road on a motorcycle or moped.View the Motorcyclists guide, Prepare for the road with safety checks so you can identify hazards and get to know your rig.View the Truck Drivers guide, Register your vessel, navigate a sale, and learn about water safety so youre ready to set sail.View the Boat & Vessel Owners guide, Prepare yourself to share the road by practicing proper safety, handling techniques, and more.View the Bicyclists & Pedestrians guide. Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability, Special Interest and Personalized License Plates Orders, New Trailer and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Report of Sale, Vehicle & Occupational Licensing Industry News Memos, Vehicle Industry Services Resources & Links, Industry Business Center Case Status Request, Occupational Licensing Status Information System, Vehicle Industry Registration Procedures Manual, Chapter 1: General Registration Information, 1.010 Assignment of Registration Expiration Date, 1.015 Authority to Grant or Refuse Application, 1.040 Definitions for Clearing, Suspense, and Incomplete Applications (RDF), 1.050 Electronic Lien and Title (ELT) Program, 1.060 Junk or Salvage Vehicles VIN Inspections, 1.100 Notary-Expiration Date of Commission on Documents, 1.115 Registration by Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), 1.125 Signature by Power of Attorney (POA), 1.130 Signature by Relative of Military Owner, 1.140 Statement to Record Ownership/Error or Erasure, 1.150 Unclaimed Certificates, Receipts, License Plates, and Stickers, 1.160 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Plate Assignments, 1.175 17-Digit VINs on Vehicles (FMVSS Regulations, Part 565), Chapter 2: General Information - Licensees, 2.015 Business Partner Automation Program, 2.040 Lemon Law Buybacks and Warranty Returns, 2.075 Report of Sale Books Issued to Licensees, 2.090 Special Dealer, Manufacturer, Remanufacturer and Distributor License Plates, 2.105 Vehicles not Requiring an Occupational License, Chapter 3: Collection and Payment of Fees and Penalties, 3.015 Certificate of Non-Operation (CNO-REG 102), 3.030 Dealer's Document Preparation and Electronic Filing Service Fee, 3.035 Dealer Responsibility for Fee Collection, 3.055 Planned Non-Operation Certification (PNO-REG 102), 4.005 California Department of Tax and Fee Administration Review Request, 4.015 Credit for Tax Paid to Another State, 4.035 Transactions Not Subject to Use Tax, 4.055 Vehicles or Vessels Purchased Outside of the United States, 5.030 Errors in Reporting Odometer Mileage, 5.035 Information Recorded on the Certificate of Title, 5.050 Replacement or Conversion of an Odometer, 5.075 Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment Form (REG 262), 5.080 Zero Miles Reported on New Vehicles, Chapter 6: New Vehicles Sold by California Dealers, 6.005 Manufacturers Certificate/Statement of Origin, 6.010 Manufacturer Sales to Charitable Organizations, 6.020 New Vehicles Altered Before Registration, 6.025 New Vehicle Sales by a California Dealer, 6.035 New Vehicle Sales by a Nonfranchised or Used Vehicle Dealer, 6.040 New Vehicle Sold for Exclusive Use on Private Property, 6.045 New Vehicle Sold for Export to Another Country, 7.005 Manufacturer's Certificate/Statement of Origin, 7.010 New Vehicle Sales by a Non-Franchised Dealer, 7.030 Specially Constructed Vehicles (SPCNS), Chapter 8: Report of Sale - Used Vehicles, 8.010 Completing the Report of Sale-Used Vehicle (REG 51), 8.015 Corrections on the Report of Sale-Used Vehicle (REG 51), 8.020 Distribution of the Report of Sale-Used Vehicle (REG 51), 8.025 "In Lieu of" Report of Sale-Used Vehicle, 8.035 Used Vehicle Sold for Use on Private Property, 8.040 Used Vehicle Sold for Export to Another Country, 8.050 Used Vehicle Sold for Registration in Another State, 8.055 Buyer Demands the Certificate of Title, 8.075 Reporting Used Vehicle Sales to IRP Operators, 9.005 Completion of the Wholesale Report of Sale (REG 396), 9.010 Distribution of the Wholesale Report of Sale (REG 396), 9.015 Voided Wholesale Report of Sale (REG 396) Forms, 9.030 Wholesale Auto Auction Dealer Sales, 9.035 Distribution of the Auction Wholesale Report of Sale (REG 398), 9.040 Voided Auction Wholesale Report of Sale (REG 398), 10.010 Changes Noted on the Renewal Notice, 10.015 Commercially-Registered Station Wagons, 10.030 Early Renewal or Planned Nonoperation Certification, 10.035 Enhanced Renewal Report of Deposit of Fees (RDF), 10.040 Evidence of Financial Responsibility, 10.055 Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (FHVUT), 10.075 Mailing Registration Cards and Stickers, 10.095 Nonresident Military Personnel (NRM), 10.100 Owner Responsibility Citations on Record, 10.115 Plates with Permanent Expiration Dates, 10.140 Removing a Notice of Release of Liability (NRL) From a Record, 10.145 Renewal and Issuance of a Personalized License Plate, 10.150 Renewal on Incorrect Renewal Notice, 10.155 Renewal Sticker Placed on the Wrong Vehicle, 10.160 Renewal With a Substitute License Plate, 10.165 Renewal With an Original Personalized or Year of Manufacture (YOM) License Plate Application, 10.170 Specialized Transportation Vehicle (STV) Renewals, 10.180 Vehicle Owner Receives Two Renewal Notices, 10.185 Vehicles Assigned Special Interest License Plates, 10.190 Vehicles With a Personalized License Plate Application in Process, 10.195 Year of Manufacture (YOM) License Plates, 11.010 Bankruptcy Sales-Trustee or Receiver, 11.020 California Welfare and Institutions Code Sales, 11.045 Dealer Out of Business Registration Process, 11.050 Disabled Veteran (DV) License Plates, 11.060 Errors/Erasures on the Certificate of Title, 11.075 Foreclosure or State Controller Sales, 11.090 Legal Owner (Lienholder) Transfers, 11.095 Legal Owner Is an Individual Company (not a lending institution or dealer), 11.100 Legal Owner Is a Dealer Out of Business (as determined by DMV's records), 11.120 Nonresident Military (NRM) Vehicle Owners, 11.125 Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL/IRL) (REG 138), 11.135 RepossessionsCaliforniaRegistered Vehicles, 11.140 RepossessionsLegal Owner not on Record, 11.160 Stolen or Embezzled Vehicles (CVC 4605 and CRTC 10858), 11.170 Transfer on Death (TOD) Beneficiary (CVC 4150.7, 5910.5, 9852.7, and 9916.5), 11.185 Transfer Without Probate (CVC 5910 and California Probate Code 6401, 6402, 13050 and 13100), 12.010 California Highway Patrol Registration Enforcement and Guidance (CHP REG) Program, 12.020 California Noncertified/Direct Import Vehicle Exemptions, 12.025 California Noncertified/Direct Import Vehicle Registration Refusals, 12.045 Determining the Date Fees Become Due, 12.065 Interstate Registration Conversion to Regular Registration, 12.090 Military Personnel-Owned Commercial Vehicles, 12.095 Military PersonnelSignature by Relative, 12.100 Motorcycles1978 and Newer Year Models, 12.105 Nonresident Military (NRM) Exemption, 12.110 Nonresident License Plates Used by Resident Business, 12.115 Nonresident Title OnlyNot Currently Registered, 12.125 Nontitle (Goldenrod) Registration Conversion to California Title, 12.130 Nontitle (Goldenrod) Registration With a Name Change, 12.140 Previous Registration in California, 12.155 Repossession of Nonresident Vehicles in California, 12.160 Return of Nonresident License Plates, 13.020 Commercial Vehicle Registration Act of (CVRA), 13.025 Conversion From Auto to Commercial License Plates, 13.030 Conversion From Commercial to Auto License Plates, 13.045 Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (FHVUT), 13.090 Passenger-Type Vehicles With Commercial Registration, 13.095 Partial Year Registration (PYR) for Commercial Vehicles, 13.100 Permanent Fleet Registration (PFR), 13.105 Permanent Fleet Registration (PFR) Offices, 13.175 Weight Fee Schedules and Weight Ranges, Chapter 14: Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI), 14.010 Maintenance Service Fee or PNO Every Five Years, 14.020 Permanent Trailer Identification (PTI) Certification (REG 4017) Form, 15.005 Competition (Racing) Motorcycle (CVC 38088), 15.010 Conversion From Dual Registration to OHV Only, 15.015 Conversion From Dual Registration to On-Highway Only, 15.030 Conversion From Nontitle/Goldenrod On-Highway to OHV Registration, 15.035 Conversion from Title Only or Expired On-Highway to OHV Registration, 15.105 Operation of an OHV on the Highway, 15.110 Original OHV Registration Applications, 15.115 Planned Non-Operation Certification (REG 102), 15.125 Reregistration of Junk or Salvage Vehicle as an OHV, 15.135 Special Manufacturer, Dealer, or Distributor Permit for OHV, 15.160 Waiver of OHV Fees and/or Penalties, 16.025 Truck Tractor/Semitrailer Combination Modular Mover, Chapter 17: International Registration Plan (IRP), 17.005 Definition of International Traffic Vehicles, 17.010 IRP Conversion to Regular Registration, Chapter 18: Lien Sales - Abandoned - Abated Vehicles, 18.025 Declaration of Opposition on Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment, 18.040 Dismantler Acquisition of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles, 18.045 Dismantler Acquisition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure, 18.050 Disposition of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles, 18.055 Disposition of Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment, 18.060 Disposition of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure, 18.085 Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons other than Abandonment, 18.115 Re-registration of Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment, 18.120 Re-registration of Vehicles Removed by a Local Abatement Procedure, 18.125 Request for Post-Storage Hearing of Abandoned Low-Value Vehicles, 18.140 Vehicles Identification Number Missing at the Time of Removal on Low-Value Vehicles Removed for Reasons Other Than Abandonment, 18.150 Vehicles Valued Over $4,000 or From a Self-Storage Facility, 18.160 Vessel or Vessel and Trailer Combination Valued at $1,500 or Less, 18.165 Vessel or Vessel and Trailer Combination Valued Over $1,500, Chapter 19: Salvage - Nonrepairable - Junk Vehicles, 19.010 Authority for Cancellation, Suspension, or Revocation, 19.020 Duplicate Salvage or Nonrepairable Vehicle Certificate, 19.035 Nonreceipt of Salvage or Nonrepairable Vehicle Certificate, 19.045 Notice of Retention by OwnerSalvage Vehicle, 19.055 Reregistration of Vehicles Withdrawn From Service, 19.070 Revived SalvageNew or Nonresident, 19.080 Salvage Certificate Application With Prior Fees Paid, 19.085 Sold by a Public Agency or Auctioneer, 20.000 Application for Duplicate or Transfer of Title (REG 227), 20.005 Application for Replacement Plates, Stickers, Documents (REG 156) Form, 20.010 Certificates of Title and Transfer of Ownership, 20.015 Certificates of Title for Dealer to Auto Auction Sales, 20.020 Certificates of Title Lost After Release by the Lienholder, 20.025 Commercial Vehicle Registration Act (CVRA) Weight Decals and Year Stickers, 20.030 Disabled Person (DP) Parking Placards, 20.035 Disabled Person (DP) Parking Placard Identification (ID) Cards, 20.040 License Plates for Victims of Domestic Violence, Stalking, Rape, or Sexual Battery, 20.050 Nonreceipt of Certificates/License Plates/Stickers/Disabled Persons (DP) Parking Placards, 20.055 Notarized Lienholder Signatures for Duplicate Certificates of Title, 20.065 Salvage or Nonrepairable Vehicle Certificates, 20.070 Special Equipment (SE) License Plates/Stickers, Identification (ID) Cards, 20.080 Special License PlatesSubstitutes, 21.005 Amateur Radio (HAM) License Plates, 21.015 Bicentennial Bill of Rights License Plates, 21.020 Breast Cancer Awareness License Plates, 21.025 California (CA) 1960s Legacy License Plates, 21.030 California Agriculture (CalAg) License Plates, 21.035 California Arts Council License Plates, 21.040 California Coastal Commission (Whale Tail) License Plates, 21.045 California Firefighter License Plates, 21.050 California Memorial License Plates, 21.065 Congressional Medal of Honor License Plates, 21.110 Foreign Organization License Plates, 21.120 Historical Vehicle and Horseless Carriage License Plates, 21.135 Lake Tahoe Conservancy License Plates, 21.140 Legion of Valor (LV) License Plates, 21.155 Metal Tabs for Special License Plates, 21.160 Motorized Bicycles (MOPED) License Plates, 21.170 Olympic Training Center License Plates, 21.175 Pearl Harbor Survivor License Plates, 21.180 Personalized ConfigurationsMandatory Refusal, 21.185 Personalized License Plate Applications, 21.190 Personalized License Plate Assignments, 21.195 Personalized License Plate Configuration Exchanges, 21.200 Personalized License Plate Retention, 21.205 Personalized License Plates Surrendered to DMV, 21.230 Reassignment of Old License Plates to Collector Vehicles, 21.235 Reassignment of Special License Plates, 21.240 Special License Plate Interchanges, 21.250 Veterans Organization License Plates, 21.255 Windows Decals for Vehicles with Wheelchair Lifts or Carriers, 21.260 Year of Manufacture (YOM) License Plates, 21.265 Yosemite Foundation License Plates, 22.005 California Certificate of Title Describes the Wrong Vehicle, 22.010 California Certificate of Title Held by the Lienholder/Legal Owner, 22.015 Change or Correction of Lienholder/Legal Owner Address, 22.020 Change or Correction of Lienholder/Legal Owner Name, 22.025 Change or Correction of Registered Owner Address, 22.030 Change or Correction of Registered Owner Name, 22.035 Changing the Body Type Model (BTM) and/or Weight, 22.040 Changes to Engine or Fuel Type/Motive Power, 22.045 Correcting a Vehicle Description Error, 22.050 Credit From Prior Year Registration Fees, 22.055 Incorrect License Plates and/or Year Sticker Issued, 22.070 Mixed License Plates and/or Registration Card, 22.075 New Vehicle Incorrectly Reported by the Dealer, 22.080 Nonresident Military (NRM) Becomes a California Resident, 22.085 Renewal or Planned Nonoperation (PNO) Fees Paid on the Wrong Vehicle, 22.090 Two Renewal Notices Received for the Same Vehicle, 22.100 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Corrections, 23.020 Motor Vehicle Ownership Surety Bond, 23.025 Motor Vehicle or Vessel Bond Alternatives, 23.035 Return of Motor Vehicle or Vessel Bond Alternatives, 23.045 Specially Constructed (SPCNS) Vehicle or Vessel, 24.005 ABCs of California Boating (BOAT 3), 24.010 Amphibious Vehicle/Vessel Dual Registration, 24.015 California-Assigned Vessel Numbers (CF), 24.030 Change or Correction of Vessel Description, 24.035 Change From Documented To Undocumented, 24.040 Change From Undocumented To Documented, 24.045 Commercial Deep Sea Fishing Vessels, 24.060 Duplicate Certificate of Ownership, 24.075 Hull Identification Numbers (HINs), 24.080 Inboard or Inboard/Outboard (Sterndrive) Emission Certification, 24.095 Notice of Sale of Vessel Registrations, 24.110 Out-of-State Vessel Registration/Titling Agencies, 24.175 Vessels Not Required to Be Registered, 24.180 Vessels Required to be Registered in California, 25.000 California Fuel Trip Permit (BOE 123), 25.010 Disabled Person (DP) Window Decals For Vehicles With Wheelchair Lifts or Carriers, 25.015 Foreign Resident In-Transit Permit (REG 34), 25.020 Laden Commercial Trailer One Trip Permit (REG 43), 25.025 Motorcycle Transportation Permit (REG 713), 25.030 Nonresident Commercial Vehicle Trip Permit (REG 41), 25.035 Nonresident Daily Commuter Permit (REG 150), 25.045 Special Permit for Disaster Relief Work Vehicles, 25.050 Temporary Nonresident Commercial Registration (REG 473), 25.055 Temporary Operating Permit (TOP) (REG 19F), 25.060 Temporary Permit for Exempt School Bus (REG 473), 25.065 Temporary Permit for Privately-Owned School Bus (PSB) (REG 473), 25.080 Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Parking Decal, 26.005 Refunds on Abated, Abandoned, or Low Value Vehicles, 26.020 Refunds on Prorated VLF for Constructive Total Loss Vehicles, 26.030 Refunds on Renewal Fees Paid Twice for the Same Registration Year, 26.035 Refunds on Undelivered New Vehicles, 26.040 Refunds on Unrecovered Stolen Vehicles, 26.050 Refunds on Vehicle License Fees (VLF) for Nonresident Military (NRM) Owners, 26.055 Refunds on Vehicles Delivered Out of State, 26.060 Refunds on 49-State/Direct Import Vehicles, 27.025 Fair Political Practices Commission Statement Of Economic Interest (Form 700), 27.055 Public Records Act, Freedom of Information Act, or Information Practices Act, 28.005 Completing a Transmittal of Registration Applications (FO 247), 28.010 DMV Processing of the Transmittal of Registration Applications (FO 247), 29.015 Acceptance of Reproduced Forms by DMV, 30.010 Chart 1-Body Type Model and Body Type Codes, 30.020 Chart 3-R60 Record Status Messages, 30.035 Chart 6-Type Transaction Codes (TTC), Appendix 1B - Air Quality Partial Counties, Appendix 1C - Partial Biennial Smog Counties Zip Codes, Appendix 1E - California License Plate Data (1914-1980), Appendix 1G - Address Abbreviations/Codes, Affadavit for Transfer Without Probate California Titled Vehicle or Vessels Only (REG 5), The History of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Motor Vehicles Strategic Plan: 2021-2026, Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program, Department of Motor Vehicles Field Office Wait Times Reports, Department of Motor Vehicles Performance Reports, Privacy Policy Statement (Privacy/Security), install the Google Toolbar (opens in new window).
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