mantle and anointing

May you know the fulness of joy in His Presence at this time and ongoing. They go the extra mile to ensure that what they are producing is excellent. Ive only seen 1 Christian artist with this mantle. The guys in the meat department at my supermarket dont like me, LOL. He has the position which demand respect. Give me a heart of patience so that I may wait for your perfect timing. Each of these levels have authority at that level. Even the unsaved, as we see with King Cyrus. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. This may have kept him from war but it ruined him in the end. Lord, have Your way. You progress into that role but you are moving up different levels. Pray about the 7 Spirits of God. A mantle is used symbolically in the Bible as the righteous call and covering of God in fulfilling our destinies. Those who are called to be warriors struggle with fear (remember Gideon). So, then Josephs original mantle had one important component that had not yet reached its fullness. There is a possibility that mantle got passed long before he went home to be with the Lord. It doesnt matter how close your parents or grand parents were to Jesus or how devoted they were to Him. Dont worry about meeting that person right away. The colors are the blessings, the anointing that is bequeathed to the family of God. 31This famine will be so severe that even the memory of the good years will be erased. Esther didnt open her mouth until the moment was right. Only one. While we may not like warfare, it really shapes and molds us for the future. Mantles in the natural is a piece of clothing, but so is a hat, and a scarf and pants. 6. Hi Mike, I guess you could ask God for a mantle but you are going to need training and mentoring in order to use it. Wisdom. They dress how they see themselves, they are it before they become it. Whew! The main difference I see from one mantle to the other is that one was made out of animal hair (it was hairy) and the other was linen. They are sought after by others because they are known for the quality of their work. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? Ive primarily seen this anointing/mantle at work in people in the market place ministry. Then the next time I go in I paid attention and it happened again. The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory - This one artist came on stage singing a note. David was a man of war. It is important to know the anointings of those we associate with. This is where he was a little boy who made a wish that he would be a grown up and he got his wish. Theres been nothing but destruction and chaos since because the anointed mantle holder is not currently in the office. There are many people with a kingly anointing that may not have Solomons mantle. If you want to be used powerfully by the Lord in your giftings, which you obviously have because you are not crazy, then you will need to learn to control your tongue. By Heather Clark Christian News Network. They have financial troubles. The enemy can accuse, be jealous, speak word curses, appear to steal from you in the natural but he cannot actually take your gifts and anointing or your mantle. What I mean by this is, David (Solomons father), wanted to be the one to build the temple for the Lord but the Lord said No. It is interesting that Joseph never went around advertising that he can interpret dream. I always knew i had something but i did not understand the poverty i am living in. (Gen 41:42). She hasnt grown into it yet. Man, this HAS been tough, this road. Those two characters all were anointed but ended differently. God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. Coming back to the laziness, Im sure he may have thought it would be so much easier to make his enemies family members instead of going to war with them. 6So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. 30But afterward there will be seven years of famine so great that all the prosperity will be forgotten in Egypt. He was raised up for a season when there was a famine and he was the supplier, the one with the resources to sustain the people. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. Solomon didnt inherit his wealth from David. Again it is one that has authority. I want to leave you with one final thought, reflecting on Josephs Mantle compared to Solomons we have to look at how each of these men ended their assignment. Because remember now, the mantle is from God. This doesnt mean you have to like the person, but you need to respect the authority of the person. Elijah's Mantle, Elisha's Anointing. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned. You may know something but if you dont know when, how and the correct timing of a thing then the knowledge alone is of no use to you. As each artist comes out to sing we all stood and applauded them. He replied saying to me that I am Joseph and that was all. Do you realize that? This post has helped me understand the painful process Ive experienced. There are notes and tones specifically for deliverance. I understood some years ago that Joseph is a type of Christ. I read a comment from a subscriber on YouTube and this person said quote you said in a previous post that the Joseph anointing takes a long time. unquote While they are the position, they have the protection of the mantle. There will not be a hint of retribution or revenge on you. I saw a video on my feed and the title says Passing the Mantle and the Anointing - The Christian Recorder Im patiently waiting on the LORD while I continue to learn more as Ive just done from both this teaching and the anointing and mantle one too. my mantle as a servant of God was just to speak in tongues.i do not know what am saying but people fall under the anointing when I lay hands on them.its begun when I had an encounter with a witch in my dreams.i prayed in tongues and they fled. (1 Kings 19:19). Like all imagery in the Old Testament, the mantle presents a visible representation of a New Testament principle. Mantles and Anointings Part 2-The Joseph Anointing - Missionaries Of Prayer Cancel anytime. All of these roles had authority but it progressed higher and higher. The same principle was at work when Moses struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it (Numbers 20:7-12). While this was a strategic move that probably caused him to continue living in ease without much war, these same foreign women pull him away from walking with the Lord. In 1 Samuel 15 we see that the Lord took King Sauls anointing and gave it to David in 1 Samuel 16. He was giving her that mantle. God will do it for them. It was either your parents or your grandparents or some relative that handled all the spiritual warfare and generational curses. Later, Joseph became a trusted slave, promoted and given charge over all his master Potiphars estate. I believe this gets fought by the enemy so badly that to make it to maturity with this you have to truly consecrated and sold out for Jesus. Lust of the flesh. (1 Kings 10:24), 3. of Cyrus You have to die to yourself. Wow! Formed and fashioned for your purposes to be used for your Glory in this time of famine. I am at my cross road and this word has taken me over, I truly carry this anointing but I need deliverance to walk in its fullness; the enemy is ensuring I look the opposite of this with all I have and the wisdom and excellence on my life I am broke.. And I even repent and ask father for forgiveness of mismanagement but more over the eyes of my understanding is open and for sure I know the enemy is at work.. God. However a pastor can have church for years, with a growing congregation and zero anointing. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. Blessings. Discern your timing. Once Joseph was dead to himself, and he completed his process the Lord handed him the final touch which is the fullness, the 7 Spirits of God. It is a process, but oh so worth it. The Light dispels the darkness. And I realized that there are notes and tones that we can sing that releases things in the heavenlies. If you can buy anything that you need it would be much easier for you to rely on your own strength and money than go to God. Ive never seen such sorry-looking animals in all the land of Egypt. It is so important who you are making covenant with because these are the people who have the power to make or break you. 3Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. You can see the other projects he got involved with in 2 Chronicles 8. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Not your words. So I said to the Lord it was dark is it black?. Most people are in great battles tearing down generational curses and doing spiritual warfare. But wait, I said to the Lord where is The Spirit of Might? No, he killed the servant for killing the King. Because I was driving I couldnt write anything down so I started to pray into this. This reading blessed me. They need YOU to love them (now that will preach! We are the prism, when the Light (Jesus) shines in us we manifest Him on the earth. So when I refer to Solomons Mantle I mean someone who is holding an office and not someone who used wisdom to make some money in the stock market for a season. Thank you for being obedient to the spirit of God.. With the mantle it is in position of authority and you can operate with no anointing. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. You need a mantle to hold an office but you can operate in a gifting/anointing for an event without having the office. So, you will change from mantle to mantle until you get to the final position. This is why it is important to know who is for you and who is against you before you share anything with them. Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. There was a lot of learning, training, serving and suffering that went on prior to that. God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. Mantles and Anointings - Missionaries Of Prayer 1 Samuel 2:19 says that every year while Samuel was a little boy and under Elis training his mother would bring him a little coat. This post on Solomons Anointing is part of a series. I give glory and honour to the Almighty God. But no two ministries will look the same. It also changed my perspective on this verse. So here you have it, the physical manifestation of the anointing and mantle on his life, which is proof that while they may have stolen the physical mantle, spiritually nothing changed! This mantle is not self serving. And it can be in the 7 mountains of society: I do believe there is a place for it in religion but I think we will primarily see this working in the other 6 more. Youre right, its more than money or mantles or gifts. Blessings in the Name of the Lord Jesus! So- I deleted Facebook from the bullying post on page. 3. The Joseph never waits for the position to look the part. He has to know that He can trust you with the wealth of the land, the wealth of the mountain where He has called you to serve (money, resources, tools, information, knowledge, food) to help the people during times of famine and not sell it trying to make a profit for yourself. Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal, (2) and Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the LORD is sending me on to Bethel." Box 774 Gainesville, Texas 76241-0774, 22nd Prophetic Memoir Activating His Grace, 21st Prophetic Memoir Get Understanding, 19th Prophetic Memoir Even Demons Believe, 18th Prophetic Memoir Secure Your Salvation. This is true value of practical wisdom. I would recommend you find out what God has written in your scrolls about you and go after that. You dont get to choose your mantle. This is a free school and you can find it here Blessings. The mantle requires respect. He needed to stop defending himself and allow the Lord to do it. God is telling Pharaoh in advance what he is about to do. Yes- please help me with this. of the Messiah, Messianic prince Benjamin, who was his full brother was not a part of the plot to kill him. Remember Revelation 2:26-28 which basically says when you overcome a thing you rule over it. (4) Blessing and cursing cannot come from the same mouth so when you opening call or write peoples names, Ive put a line where you did, and then say derogatory things about them followed by the most anointed vision from the Lord, nobody will listen.because Jesus wouldnt do that. This is a part of a kingly anointing (1 Kings 10:10-12). My life has not been easy at all! The lesson learned is, there is a purpose why God made us who we are. "Mantle vs. Anointing" - greg shumake You know, there are many singers in our churches but not many anointed singers. . So then, one of Davids servant killed King Saul. Now, I can tell you that she doesnt have the greatest voice and she is well aware of that. They have the authority and position. Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies all around. Hi Faith, great to hear from you, and Im glad the message was meaningful for you! I believe that while Miriam was anointed (she was a prophetess) she didnt have a mantle. The first two were: Mantles and Anointing, this is where you should start so you can get a foundation in order to understand what you will read here and. I really enjoy the learning material you send to me, Hello, no we dont have online bible studies but we do have an online discipleship school which takes people from salvation and beyond. He was always fighting. Here come Joseph out of prison standing in front of the Pharaoh. He wasnt even alive to see the deliverance but he believed with his whole heart that God would deliver his people. Passing the Mantle and the Anointing. Mantle and the Anointing - YouTube Actually i already had a gift it is only that i recognize it now and he placed the robe on me because i reset my bloodline and broke generation curses like david who fought many battles. The parents dug those trenches and laid the foundation so when they get there all the ground work has been laid and they just need to build, increase, multiply and grow. You need to serve under them once you realize they have the mantle that you are destined to wear, Learn all that you can from them as you are serving. There are various types of anointings, and we need to find out what God reveals to us about our individual anointing. Saved or unsaved. You need to respect the people in authority who have the mantle. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" (1 John 3:2-3). There are various types of anointings, and we need to find out what God reveals to us about our individual anointing. I told these dreams to the magicians, but no one could tell me what they mean.. I know I have felt like at times questioning my call as far as ministry. Prophetic Ministries Tabernacle and Prophetic Ministries Today is approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Tax-Exempted Non-profit Corporation and is listed as a Digital Electronic Church and a Brick and Mortar Congregation. Here is a part of Davids instructions to Solomon, 1 Chronicles 28:9And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. A mantle for deliverance worship. Then again, since Solomon was getting the mantle he didnt need the money because people would start giving to him anyway. 5. When I say we couldnt get out of our seats, I mean that I tried to stand up and I couldnt because I literally felt a force pinning me into the seat. I was asking people to pray for me and he was one of them. This mantle of prayer is a mantle of BLESSING/LOVE ---it is rich---those who are the sons and daughters of royalty always wear fine robes. I went to a concert once with many different Christian artists. Definition is glory, cloak, glory, splendour, magnificence (of a vine, shepherds), mantle, cloak made of fur or fine material God positions you with people and leaders that He wants you to serve now. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. Ive never seen anything like it before and never since. All that we are and all that we have are for His purpose, agenda and assignments (Col. 1:26; Eph. People were delivered from so many demons that night. It was more than the gift of interpreting dreams. If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. But Father God is seeing the big picture, from Heavens perspective. May you all be blessed abundantly in the Mighty Name of Our Risen King Jesus. Actually, in the Unites States in most work places you cant talk about your faith. Before he took up Elijahs mantle, Elisha was first a worker in his fathers fields. Ive learned something different from this Wisdom involves submission to authorities , the superiority of wisdom, The rich persons success does not mean he has obtained wisdom. He willfully sinned against the Lord (Deuteronomy 7:3). David didnt become King immediately after being anointed by Samuel to be King because he wasnt ready. His mantle represented who he was, a Prophet and a Judge to Israel. When you have this mantle your job will be to sustain the people across the 7 mountains, whichever area you are called to. Thats why you are reading this. 7Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. May I come forth under the power and anointing of the Seven Spirits of God in your fullness of the Spirit, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Fear of the Lord when I am read. (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. So start paying attention because there is something on you as well which you may not even realize is there. I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death. God doesnt make mistakes. At the very end I will show you what the secret ingredient was to his overall success. Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). All of those colors were in Josephs mantle. It is their time now. When it exited the other side I see the 7 colors of the rainbow. The world needs the Josephs for the mountain of religion. Under the section, spiritually fat disgruntled people, the ones in the vault are the ones with the Joseph anointing. All the colors are a manifestation of the Light. If you feel that you may have this anointing on your life your highest priority should be to go through the process and the purification of the Lord so that you can walk in this mantle. Hi Cyprian, you need to pray and ask God what that means for you. There is a lady that I know and the first time I heard her signing the Lord gave me a prophetic word for her. 16So David said to him, Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, I have killed the Lords anointed. .

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