which statement describes the globalization of culture

Negotiated under President Obama, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement was intended to entice China to improve its practices by allowing the country in on the lucrative deal only if it agreed to new rules, but President Trump withdrew from the deal. B) the spread of culture traits from one group to another. B) New York, London, and Paris. Efforts to confront problems such as globalclimate changemust involve many different countries. Technology firms have taken special advantage of their innovations this way. Ethnocentrism is Globalization is an inevitable development which cannot be resisted or significantly influenced by human intervention. A) relocation diffusion. E) Transculturation. Although homogenizing influences do indeed exist, they are far from creating anything akin to a single world culture. the cultural landscape, this is known as E) culture realm. Many countries have large international financial flows or investments, consisting of assets and liabilities. Bown, Chad P. 2022. Answer to Solved 3. d. A. US Trade Agenda Requires Greater Focus on Social Concerns. This court, which handles cases such as war crimes, has a global reach, although not all countries have accepted it.Many problems facing the world today cross national borders, so countries must work together to solve them. C) Western Europe. More job training and education is needed to prepare workers for these jobs. E) none of the above. Washington, DC 20036, Careers| Many companies usedraw materials from distant lands. But the term gained popularity after the Cold War in the . C) Log cabins in Appalachia. Some menu items, such as the Big Mac, are the same all over the world. D) Folk cultures have great reverence for their environment. His administration negotiated the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to replace NAFTA; the agreement entered into force in 2020. B) strip malls. But within many countries, including the United States, inequality is rising. B) folk cultures are spread hierarchically. B) The South. C) It should be coupled with analysis in decision-making. A culture keeps its own cultural ideas from other cultures. Not surprisingly, polls vary widely depending on how and when the question is posed. C) a culture hearth. B) Culture is learned behavior that is passed from one generation to the next. because consumers are spending a smaller percent of their incomes on manufactured goods and more on services, which include housing, health care, dining out, travel, and legal services. E) folk cultures eat mostly foods that locally available. The Great Tradeoff: Confronting Moral Conflicts in the Era of Globalization. B) Contagious diffusion. C. Globalization makes national identity irrelevant. D) Poland. C) the isolation of a culture from the rest of the world. 2005. Globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people among different countries. Globalization has led to a decrease in xenophobia and a decrease in face-to-face interaction. 2016. Trade agreements should account for the modern digital age. Which of the following statements best describes laggards, according to the diffusion of innovations theory? Countries exposed to globalization have alleviated inequality to different degrees through tax and welfare systems. Competition from abroad drives US firms to improve their products. Students participate in a debate on the issue of human workers being replaced by robots and automation. Microsite. B) New and Miami. A) The suburbs are too bland and boring. d. What is the probability that a bat consumes at least one mosquito in a 30 -second interval? E) Greeks in the Mississippi Valley. Employment Projections. The concept of empathy is associated with many important aspects of in intercultural communication behabiour. 2018. They are generally held by or owed to firms, banks and other financial institutions, or governments. It is a process by which people, nations, and companies interact actively in the international stage. B) Traditional housing. Why, After 200 Years, Cant Economists Sell Free Trade? Omissions? D) religious beliefs are reflected in most aspects of culture. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Bergsten, C. Fred. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. 3. Globalization has forced changes on Gogol's family that he accepts , but thathis parents resist . We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Ironically, modern technology is often used to preserve and spread traditional beliefs and customs.Opponents to globalization blame free trade for unfair working conditions. 2016. 2017. A) Latin America. Foreign direct investment (FDI) involves establishing ownership or controlling interest of a business in another country. Each multiple choice question has five possible answers. Not enough has been done to help those who have lost out from trade competition. C) Folk cultures seek to create a uniform landscape. B) the belief that Westerners are superior to African and Asian cultures. This Pew Research poll finds more support than not for free trade agreements. E) All of the above. c. Doing business beyond borders is still extremely rare. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. 2018. Another group stems from the rise of a transnational workforce. E) all of the above. Corrections? Posen, Adam S. 2018. B) trans-national corporations. Which of the following statements best describes cultural hybridization? Have students write a bulleted list of information that supports the views they selected. Introduce globalization. D) Calgary, AB. b. A. E) all of the above. In 2002, theInternational Criminal Courtwas established. D) the innovation of a cultural trait. TravelIncreased internationaltravelhas also increased globalization. biological history? globalization on culture and identity 68. which countrys government? D) bridal tithe. Stimulus diffusion is Factories in the county of Lancashire, England, created madras cloth. New York: United Nations. Have students decide what they think about globalization. Which of the following contexts best describes such concerns? A) Amish communities in Pennsylvania All rights reserved. Learn how these five dimensions: ethnoscapes, mediascapes, technoscapes, financescapes, and. A) Southwest USA-Northern Mexico. D) the belief that one's own ethnic group is superior to others. Which of the following statements best describes cultural hybridization? North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Yale University: Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. Below is a list of various protectionist actions and their economic, diplomatic, and national security risks. A) folk culture populations are usually small. Globalization is driven by international trade and aided by information technology. You cannot download interactives. There are ongoing efforts started in December 2017 by the European Union, United States, and Japan to negotiate new rules that would potentially be embedded within the WTO. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Concerns were show over the perceived impact of beliefs, values, and social practices coming from foreign cultural products. B) The spread of laptop computers from the upper class to the middle class. their jobs to import competition. Petri, Peter A., Michael G. Plummer, Shujiro Urata, and Fan Zhai. PIIE Charts (July 26). Cultural globalization is the spread of the culture, customs, or ideas of a place or a people to the rest of the world. A) the rapid and widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population. OECD Publishing. Consumers have better products and more choices as a result. 2021 Peterson Institute for International Economics. Because US firms often beat international competitors at supplying high-skill serviceslike engineering, legal, consulting, research, management, and information technologyworkers in these fields have benefited the most from globalization. Better-paying positions have opened up in manufactured exportsespecially in high-tech areas, such as computers, chemicals, and transportation equipmentand other high-skill work, notably in business services, such as finance and real estate (see Jobs section). Lawrence, Robert Z., and Tyler Moran. Globalization results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. PIIE Briefing 18-1. 2001. Globalization as a new phase has been exaggerated because most economic and social activity is regional, rather than . Solving these types of issues, which will inevitably arise and change over time, is best done through negotiation and coordination with trading partnersapplying due processin order to prevent costly trade wars, where more and more barriers end up hurting all sides. When businesses want to manufacture their products at a cheaper rate, they employ the services from developing countries which is possible in countries such as China and Cambodia, where manufacturing costs and . Globalization increases global wealth and improves economic development. 2017. 2016. B) the South and northern US Cities. Bigger factors than trade that drive job displacements are labor-saving technologies, like automated machines and artificial intelligence. Before 2016, Republicans generally favored US trade deals and Democrats generally voted against them. Globalization moves jobs and capital to places that need these resources. Additional research by Anjali Bhatt, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu British manufacturers could then sell theirfinished goods, such as clothing and blankets, to buyers all over the worldthe United States, Brazil, Australia, even India.Globalization sped up dramatically in the twentieth century with theproliferationof air travel, the expansion offree trade, and the dawn of theInformation Age. A) Folk cultures perceive the environment as a hostile place. Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region with the intention of staying and living there. These resources will help to teach middle school students more about the global economy and the central role trade plays. The fiery chili pepper is native to the Western Hemisphere. E) Transculturation. East Asia Forum (October 3). This was not the case before the 1600s. Travelers are exposed to new ideas about food, which may change what they buy at the store at home. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection@natgeo.com for more information and to obtain a license. 2016. Globalization only connects people in developed countries. For more information, see Increased Trade: A Key to Improving Productivity. The History of an Idea. D) Kenya. This chart shows how FDI has grown steadily while the growth of portfolio holdings (foreign equity or foreign debt) and other assets (which are An excerpt of the film is provided in this activity. C) Midwest. A) the area served by a Walmart. After World War II, the United States helped build a global economic order governed by mutually accepted rules and overseen by multilateral institutions. Some people worry that Western culture will destroy local cultures around the world. Tariffs are paid by domestic importers, not foreign governments or exporters. Furman, Jason. A) African-Americans. Powerful PeppersFood has long been an important part of globalization. The United States had an overall trade deficit of $447 billion in 2017, according to the US International Trade Commission, as a result of Americans spending more than they earn and financing the difference with foreign credit. Terms of Service Copyright Notice Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy. Often, this results in lower costs for consumers, too.Economicmarkets are global. Prospects for Economic Reform and Medium-Term Growth in the United States. What is the term for a group of people who identify with their cultural and C) they want to preserve their traditional cultures. A) the rapid and widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population. Bown, Chad P. 2021. .ng-c-sponsor-logo { Globalization has increased the number of students studyingabroad.Not everyone says that globalization is good, however. Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai described and studied five dimensions of global cultural flow. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. A) Cultural assimilation. 2017. It's Fun to Discuss the USMCAthe New NAFTA. Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Euijin Jung. Washington: World Bank. The institutions established include: MORE GOODS AT LOWER PRICES E) the belief that ones own culture is superior to all others. 2018. D) Stimulus diffusion. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. And How Has the Global Economy Shaped the United States? 2017. INNOVATION How do Americans feel about globalization? Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics.Bown, Chad P., and Jennifer A. Hillman. 2018. Congressional Research Service. A) American news organizations, such as CNN. 2011. Public Comment on Trump Administration Report on Significant Trade Deficits. B) Nordic skiing . C) the spread of an idea from persons of power to other persons. Peddling Protectionism. 4. Why, After 200 Years, Cant Economists Sell Free Trade? Today, HSBC has its headquarters in London, England.Economic globalization has allowed many corporations based in the West to move factories and jobs to less economically developed countries, a process calledoutsourcing. C) the spread of an idea from persons of power to other persons. A) Traditional music. C) Many younger people like to be near cultural amenities in the city. Globalization increases global wealth and improves economic development. For most U.S. workers, real wages have barely budged in decades. Meanwhile, American fast food chains have become common throughout the world.McDonald'shas more than 37,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. D) The Gulf Coast. C) culture hearth. E) Tokyo, Paris, and Los Angeles. Source:Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu,The Payoff to America from Globalization: A Fresh Look with a Focus on Costs to Workers. D. Globalization Increases interactions and interdependence between places., What type of precipitation is associated . 9. Following centuries of European colonization and trade activity, that first wave of globalization was propelled by steamships, railroads, the telegraph, and other breakthroughs, and also by increasing economic cooperation among countries. Number of U.S. workers employed by foreign-owned companies is on the rise. Another global subgroup comprises cosmopolitans who nurture an intellectual appreciation for local cultures. A) New York and Chicago. E) Borderland region. schools which have a reputation for being bad. RealTime Economics (July 19). Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. The global economy allows us to eat the foods we want all year round andbuyclothing and gadgets at lower prices. The Brexit agreement: An economic guide for the perplexed. The process of immigrating to the United States can be complicated and is often driven by a few key principles including uniting families, boosting the economy with skilled professionals, promoting diversity, and helping refugees. US Census Recent US Manufacturing Employment: The Exception that Proves the Rule. Speech given at the Brookings Institution, April 8. D) South Florida. 2. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Students research, analyze, and debate the pros and cons of globalization. The global market still has great potential for the US economy. Since the overall payoff is so much greater than the costs to individual workers or groups who have lost out, nearly all economists support having an open global market versus closing it off (see example). C) New York and Los Angeles. Associated Press/Abe Fox As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar. A Survey of Experts. E) All of the above. Globalization has made Gogol immediately comfortable with American culture. B) Anglo America. Washington. Wages have also stagnated, though economists are still debating the exact causes. DECLINE IN INEQUALITY GLOBALLY, BUT WIDER WITHIN UNITED STATES The surplus in services suggests the competitive strength of US services in the global market. Through globalization, people may become aware of incidents very quickly. Studying religions is important to understanding a culture because In an ideal world, displaced workers from trade competition could find new jobs, sometimes by moving or gaining new Privacy Notice| 1948. Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. A) a cultural environment. BETTER QUALITY AND VARIETY Consumers must be responsible to a triple bottom line of economic value, social progress, and environmental health. Chicago Fed Letter, No. C. Improve women's access to education and literacy. The example of quinoa in this chapter was used to illustrate an aspect of the globalization paradox. Exports are goods and services that are sold to individuals or companies outside of their country of origin. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. View the full answer. Distribute the worksheet and have students research globalization. achieve solutions on national security, immigration, and the environment, Weakens rules-based trading system that the United States and much of the world relies on to keep foreign E) none of the above. In reality, it has been very difficult for many of these workers to transition, with lasting effects on By the beginning of the 21st century, institutions such as Cultural Survival were operating on a world scale, drawing attention to indigenous groups who are encouraged to perceive themselves as first peoplesa new global designation emphasizing common experiences of exploitation among indigenous inhabitants of all lands. The largest minority group in the United States is Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. The real reason youre not getting a pay raise. Sustainability Policy| 74) Which statement best describes intuition? 2021. Globalization reduces unique features of local culture and contributes to global cultural homogenization B. For example, they may stop chargingtariffs, or taxes, on imports. The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to strengthening prosperity and human welfare in the global economy through expert analysis and practical policy solutions. Go to the PBS website to find out where you can get the full DVD. There are 8 types of Globalization: Social globalization Technological globalization Financial globalization Economic globalization Political globalization Cultural globalization Ecological globalization Sociological globalization Through these 8 aspects, we can see how our world is becoming more integrated on many different levels. Global Value Chains and Development: Investment and Value Added Trade in the Global Economy. Certain manufacturing and industry workers in specific geographic regions lost out, such as those in furniture, apparel, steel, auto parts, and electrical equipment industries in Tennessee, Michigan, and the mid-Atlantic states. Which of the following concepts best describes a product which carry cultural values, and many products that are seen to represent a culture? E) none of the above. 2016 were $26 trillion, equal to 140 percent of US GDP. US Government Is Worst at Reducing Inequality of All High-Income OECD Countries. B) religions do not have any impact on the built landscape. D) Chain migration. C) Hierarchical diffusion. Mathieu, Edouard, Hannah Ritchie, Lucas Rods-Guirao, Cameron Appel, Charlie Giattino, Joe Hasell, Bobbie Macdonald, Saloni Dattani, Diana Beltekian, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Max Roser. Globalization means the integration of the economy into the world's economy. Protectionism in the 2016 Election: Causes and Consequences, Truths and Fictions. The best example of cultural integration (where all elements of society are interwoven, The idea that cultures will modify the natural landscape to fit their needs is known as. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (January 18). Prepare the entries to record (a) issuance of the note and (b) payment of the note at maturity. Laws protecting the environment and workers safety are less widespread in developing countries, which also lowers costs for the corporation. SOLUTION:- 1:- The correct option is :B Explanation: Global . Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk. D) television and other media. E) None of the above, Examples of non-material aspects of culture include all of the following except A trade surplus is the opposite, when earnings from exports top spending on imports. Kim Hulse, National Geographic Society In fact, there are cities named for Alexander in Iraq (Iskandariya), Egypt (Alexandria), and Turkey (Alexandria Troas).TheSilk Road, atrade routebetween China and the Mediterranean, promoted the exchange of ideas and knowledge, along with trade goods and foods such as silk, spices, porcelain, and other treasures from the East.When Europeans beganestablishing colonies overseas, globalization grew. Trade in intermediate goods is now nearly twice as large as trade in final goods and is especially important in advanced manufacturing, like autos. (October 27). American industrial production is at You are using a browser version that is no longer supported by this website and could result in a less-than-optimal experience. 10. Bartley Johns, Marcus, Paul Brenton, Massimiliano Cali, Mombert Hoppe, and Roberta Piermartini. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (September 5). Globalization promotes interconnection among diverse national economies. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. This concept makes production more efficient, promotes economic growth, and lowers prices of goods and services, making them more affordable especially for lower-income households. The government may enact taxes on imports (called tariffs), limits on the quantity of imports (called quotas), subsidies to domestic industries, or other regulations. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. As Donald Trump prepares for his tenure in the White House, he talks of dismantling a whole history of globalized trade that he sees as having had a catastrophic effect on the global economy. In seconds, people are able to respond tonatural disasters that happen thousands of miles away.Many people access information through improved and new technology, such as cell phones. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Many were injured in confrontations with police. Countries frequently cooperate to enact trade agreements. Globalization supports new job opportunities but also contributes to job displacement. B) Ethnicity. E) a culture realm. B. Other international issues includeterrorism,drug trafficking, andimmigration.The process of globalization is verycontroversial. 6. Buy American Is Bad for Taxpayers and Worse for Exports. For more, watch the video, Is the US Trade Deficit a Problem?. B) The spread of drive-through windows from fast food restaurants to liquor stores. Hendrix, Cullen S. 2016. China, India, and Brazil dropped their rates to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO). It entered the World Trade Organization in 2001 and undertook many reforms, cutting tariffs and other trade barriers. B) French Quebec. devising communication strategies to accomplish communicative goals, constructing messages consistent with communicative strategies. People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family. Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts, upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. Lawrence, Robert Z. The China Shock: Learning from Labor-Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade [pdf]. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. Studies show that globalization has also diminished US worker bargaining leverage to demand higher wages. Toward that goal, the agent would like to use the size of an apartment, as defined by square footage to predict the monthly rental cost. Sometimes, thesemigrantworkers travel a short distance, such as between the Mexican state of Sonora and the U.S. state of California. Some saw it as "threatening traditional institutions such as the family and the school", or threatening the way of life of whole communities. All the Above : Threats to Folk Culture By Katie Hurst and Eva Winsheimer Loss of Traditional Values Media is a Threat to Traditional Values Pop Culture is the type of culture is in large heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite diff. American soap operas are popular in Israel.India, for instance, has a thriving film industry, nicknamed Bollywood. Bollywood movies are popular both in India and with the huge population of Indians living abroad. D) influence of a culture decreases as one travels in and around. Expanded trade spurs the spread of technology, innovation, and the communication of ideas. C) Ghana. A payment of money or goods from the family of a bride to the grooms father is 1997. C) war and occupation. E) ethnic agglomeration. Globalization - a phenomenon that has defined the world's economy in recent decades - is under pressure. E. Globalization increases global inequality. JOB CHURN E) All of the above. This is the process by which a less dominant culture adopts the traits of a more E) any market area for a retail business. Globalization is growing less important as time passes. Globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people among different countries. These practices discriminate against not only Americans but also US allies. Globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people among different countries. An agent for a residential real estate company in a suburb located outside of Washington, DC, has the business objective of developing more accurate estimates of the monthly rental cost for apartments. B) a cultural homeland. A) urban areas. markets open and settle disputes, Causes more lost jobs than they create as other countries retaliate, With global supply chains dominating world trade, it is difficult to hit another country Newsroom| trade or other bigger factors. Globalization changes the types of jobs available but has little effect on the overall number of jobs in the ever-changing US labor market. 5. Which of the following statements best describes the dialectics of globalization? Which statement best describes trends in globalization of markets? D) forces women to bear children. Jobs available through globalization have lifted many people out ofpoverty. Divide the class into two groups: students who focused on pros and students who focused on cons. US-China phase one tracker: Chinas purchases of US goods. In fact, some Bollywood movies do much better in the United States or the United Kingdom than they do in India.Clothing styles have also become more uniform as a result of globalization. C) the belief that ones own religion is superior to others. EconomyThe internationaleconomyhas also become more globalized in recentdecades. Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Which of the following concepts is part of the mindfulness dimension of intercultural communication competence? Others point out that people tend to adopt some aspects of other cultures without giving up their own. The corporation can pay lower wages, because thestandard of livingin less developed countries is much lower. D) Thai cuisine. 2016. The global economy is innately tied to trade; it allows countries around the world to obtain any resource they may want, whether or not it is produced on the home front. A) cultural environment. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. 2017. Sylvester Systems borrows $110,000 cash on May 15 by signing a 60-day. Program. Economists look at the effects of globalization across the entire economy to weigh the pros vs. cons. Assistance (TAA), though it only helps workers directly impacted by trade and the amounts paid are limited. This is the process by which a less dominant culture adopts some of the traits of a 2017. A) A race often has a single homeland, an ethnicity is usually scattered across the world. All of the following are examples of a functional or nodal region except 2020. E) none of the above. Manufacturing employment share has also declined Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. PIIE Policy Brief 16-15.Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. Understanding the relative costs and benefits can pave the way for alleviating problems while sustaining the wider payoffs. Trump Tariffs Primarily Hit Multinational Supply Chains, Harm US Technology Competitiveness. 2016. . Goods are physical, produced items traded between countries, like corn, machinery parts, or chemicals. It gives rich countries access to lower cost resources and labor and poorer countries access to jobs and the investment funds they need for development. You cannot download interactives. A culture overcomes a threat to its own by strengthening its own cultural image. SCALED UP BUSINESSES D) television and other media. E) Vancouver, BC. But trade negotiations can only go so far.

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