suramin spike protein

Spike Protein - Etsy Also fennel seed tea, and dandelion root tea have shikimic acid. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. I discovered the Suramin info just last week. Dr. Judy Mikovits A: Theres an antidote. Often lasting intermittently for 24 hrs. Hope this helps you & others. There is one primary American supplier (Etsy) for the pine needles (besides harvesting your own) that I am aware of at this point with 3 quality listings, each from a different East Coast wildcrafter: Dosage:3 cups per day or more of any desired strength (based on the quantity of needles added to a french press or teapot) with an approximate 1-3 tablespoons of needles per cup of near boiling water. You had mentioned the last two, but Im surprised that the balsam fir is also toxic? 2004 Aug;4(4):200-14. doi: 10.1124/mi.4.4.4. This has been my experience for 30 yrs. But that only lasted one day. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. Out comes approximately a teaspoon sized amount of gel or paste. COVID-19 Research: German Study Reveals That Spike Protein Nsp1 Of SARS-CoV-2 Responsible For Shutting Down Host Protein Production - Thailand Medical News Global H5N1 Avian Bird Flu Outbreak In Humans To Be Declared Soon In Coming Weeks! The spike protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 is a major antigen and its engagement with human ACE2 receptor plays an essential role in viral entry into host cells. Be careful with theyewpine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a fewmedicinal properties). What was the price for your pills? So, I can now do this because I am not under jurisdiction of the NC pharmacy board. Online store iHerb is where I buy all my vits/supplmnts. But several reports say that the Swiss pharmaceutical company that makes the drug, Roche, gets its shikimic acid from the Chinese star anise plant. Its too bad that forums like these cannot disable the upvote/downvote function or change it so that only upvotes are allowed (downvoting is actually upvoting boo hiss) OR separate tallies are held of each. Suramin is considered a lead compound targeting this moiety. There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process)., Here we report that suramin, a 100-year-old drug, is a potent inhibitor of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and acts by blocking the binding of RNA to the enzyme. All I can do it support him and help in any way I can. So I figured it would just go away with time. NOTE: Nothing in this article is medical advice or recommendations, and is not to be construed as such. I encourage you to read the story of Nadab and Abihu in Numbers 3 in its entirety. Closed down my massage practice of some 26+ years because did not want to be around vaxxed people. The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. *Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment..Can one be clear headed, abstinent, self contained, have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress (sober) while using alcohol? My friend takes it and says its fantastic. Are you aware of anything? There is hardly a taste. protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus . I have UnitedHomeHealthCare coverage and the script cost $3.74 ! Had the same reaction also. Sleeping sickness (also known as human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) was at the forefront of research at that time, not a neglected disease as it is today, and the development of suramin was a breakthrough for the emerging field of chemotherapy. (Must be a 15 bar espresso machine) Did get side effects from over taking it,chest pains twitching arm. Of course you can use all the foregoing species of pine needles mentioned in the studies. Its so wrong that he and so many more lose everything because of this damn virus. Those willing to take proactive protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transformation successfully. Next I loaded 4 trays with the needles and put in the freeze drier for the next 24 hours followed by powdering them in one of my blenders. Two energy drinks and two cups of coffee in a 24-hour period was the norm. 7Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. Hope you get well soon brother. ??? It seems like most suggest making the tea at much higher strengths 1-3 tbsp per cup, vs your 4 tbsp per 8 cups of tea. Its essentially the same medicine as that used for humans, just packaged differently and is cheaper too. In fact I cannot remember the last time I had a headache at all prior to this. Suramin - see below The injection contains TRILLIONS of their coded spike proteins PRIONS! from something a vaxxed person has used/touched? Every time, it happened 6 times now. BTW, my husband has had those pesky eye mites for YEARS that plague some people with red-rimmed eyes & styes. Stupid vaxxers have condemmed us to die. That was my point, which is why I broke down 1 Peter 5:8 in its proper context, sober minded has nothing to do with alcohol in the context Peter wrote it. I take a variety of other anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, herbs, vits, minerals, etc. Listen to 5 doctors discuss this unusual onset of symptoms being experienced now by thousands: This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is calledSuramin, an isolated compound originally derived from anextract of pine needle oil. Wow, thanks for the amazing post. The spike protein itself is a toxin and a preprint study has identified the S-1 subunit of the spike protein still remaining in the bodies of LongCovid survivors - as much as fifteen months after their apparent 'recovery' from having a SARS-CoV-2 infection or 'COVID-19' illness. I share this site with everyone I meet. (Sources for buying it are also listed below.). Which indiamart supplier do you purchase ivermectinfrom? The old mindset expressed by that limited soul above will not be tolerated. , Im Mortified, after begging them not too.. Prayers! I believe you have taken my meaning out of context. The headaches were all but gone by May 18 or so. It took 2 wks to heal. BREAKING! COVID-19 Research: German Study Reveals That Spike Protein I find the more stress, the worse the headache and its duration. I had no idea about the dye being a heavy metal!!! MeSH God bless. Klikkaa vain virallisiin tieteellisiin artikkeleihin viittaaviin sivustoihin. My mother is also vaxed but there is one major issue for me that means I am going to working full time for myself as an NLP therapist. Grapes fermented. So a comment that has had three or four upvotes, showing visitors that posts are read and appreciated, suddenly appears to a visitor as if it either moved zero readers, or offended them. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-. In what amounts/frequency? 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. Maybe the spike proteins were having a difficult time taking over my body, or my body was mitigating a blood clot in my head somehow. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn. Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. Thank you! suramin cure covid-19 corona ade v-aids mrna spike protein pine needle (Please see my comment above). I use a sugared CoQ10 gummy (instead of a sugar cube) and source turpentine from Diamond G Forest Products of Georgia. Hi Amy, you can use star anise. I take Solgar brand Mega Quercetin, 1 cap= 600mg Q, +brom, rutin, hesperidin, bioflavs, & vit.C. Thank you for the article!! We must be sober, we must have all our brain cells to fight this war and win. What are the side effects being seen by this contagion? Also, organic red wine contains a lot of Anti-Oxidants with many benefits in the current situation, although you should not drink to excess, of course!-. Also, you could start with small concentrations and evaluate, for more safety. Of course he also paid for a consultation with his Frontline doctor ($75 since I was also paying her $75), but it was good to talk to an actual doctor to find out more information. Brighteon. $20 for FOUR OUNCES of pine needles is a rip off. His daughter Charmaine cancer started in her lymph nodes, under her arm. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Suramin is found in many forests around the world in Pine needles. In short, the anti- cancer properties of red wine are cancelled out by its cancer-causing properties. Your claiming Christ told you no alcohol cannot be supported by His word. I am just trying to compare prices here in the US with buying the pills abroad. Abdominal pain began April. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. The one positive I had going for me is that I suffered no other apparent symptoms that Ive reported in other people. Garlic and onions are already staples in my diet. Euthanasia directed at these groups; euthanasia must be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Mol Interv. Turovsky EA, Varlamova EG, Turovskaya MV. Brighteon 2023 All Rights Reserved. The COVID Blog - All Rights Reserved 2021-2023. So you can never deny this as truth. Unfortunately with MRI they want you to have contrast injected into your veins, the dye they use for MRI is Gadolinium, a heavy metal. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. There isnt a verse that demands no alcohol. I CAN NOT STOP WHAT HAS STARTED, I CAN Only Be Here For The End.. Theponderosa pineis not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans forrespiratory conditions,cuts, wounds, and burns,etc. Today, I take 200 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 and maintenance dosages of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, turmeric, cayenne pepper, zinc and feverfew daily. Now, take note what Paul says in 1 Timothy 3, Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to **much wine** or greedy for money. I try to avoid places where the vaxxed might bebest with it. We are called to spiritual war. Wiki:, Youtube videos: Videos: Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea: God bless you. Watch documentaries the techno-fascists don't want you to know even exist. The first is a balsamic fir tree. Theres talk of possible contamination and whatnot, but Ive also not read about a single problem online. Suramin is a medication used to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness. I am ready. The health benefits often touted by the experts can also be found in fresh grapes, unfermented grape juice, and raisins without the intoxicating and harmful effects of alcohol. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. They did it because the companies the work for, insisted on it. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. We investigated how this uncoupling relates to the inhibition of GTPgammaS binding. Always feel worse for a few days it seems after a visit to Walmart, but maybe thats just me Thanks Much and am Glad that you also were saved from info provided by you and other brave folks! I stuff the chopped needles in both tea bags and tea balls. Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dyetrypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. He doesnt have any drug coverage so he used one of those discount cards (Good Rx) at CVS, and paid $40.00 for 38 pills with each one of them being 3 mg. Steve Kirsch claims the spike protein is made for 48 hours, I do not know if that is true, he is well informed, but not sure of his source. The next day after starting the pine tea, the bleeding stopped and the pain lessened to where I was able to exercise. I got it for treatment if I start to have symptoms of Covid I did not get the vaccine and will not you can also use the ivermectin prophylactically .. Also, since then, I noticed severe fatigue and nausea whenever I go for groceries or interact out in the world. It's found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission - NutriTruth From what I understand, its still really cheap compared to pills for how most people would get them, and you dont have to pay for a gatekeeper/MD. Im a critical care nurse that was mandated against my will to work in the COVID ICU during our surge for a couple of months. Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God. Sobriety is a huge advantage, in my experience. Against Foodborne Bacteria, Antibacterial activity of water-soluble extract from pine needles of Cedrus deodara, Volatile components and antibacterial effects of pine needle (Pinus densiflora S. and Z.) As someone who prides himself on critical thinking, I cannot say for certain that pine needle tea cured me. This doesnt refer to drunkenness, it does refer to wine in moderation. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you, and I pray you will allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth. And winethatmaketh gladthe heartof man,andoilto makehisfaceto shine,and breadwhichstrengthenethmansheart. Here we see the wine makes the heart glad, or merry. Coming from a farm family, I dont think that our government will put restrictions on ivermectin paste in the near future. Thank you for the photos of the pine needles! If MRSA comes in as a secondary invader increase Copper. needle on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells, Antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antitumor effects of pine needles (Pinus densiflora), Anti-oxidant activity and effect of Pinus morrisonicola Hay. We naturally stayed home, didnt want to be around any people. A2A adenosine-receptor-mediated facilitation of noradrenaline release in rat tail artery involves protein kinase C activation and betagamma subunits formed after alpha2-adrenoceptor activation. 2005;135(1):247-61. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.06.003. remember the bible story about the woman who had spent all of her $ on doctors and was still sick? I am around a one vaxxed client twice a week. $20/4oz might be more reasonable than you think. You made an accusation in your comment that you have very well done yourself: youve wrested the scriptures to your own destruction., 100 years of suramin:

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